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The next couple days were amazing for them. Morning and night they did surgery after surgery and suddenly she found her drive back. It was exciting to be in the OR and when he pulled her into his office.

"Derek, what are you-" She started before he kissed her. Her cheeks were red and she let him sweep her off her feet. Her hands ran up to his shoulders and he smiled as he put her down.

"What was that for?" She asked as he laughed.
"Come to the city with me." He said.
"What's in Washington?" She asked, confused.
"No. New York City. I'm so used to it." He sighed.
"What?" Her jaw almost dropped to the floor.
"I'm heading to my apartment in the city." He said.
"Why?" She asked. "Why now?"

"New York Presbyterian Hospital has a 37-year-old male patient suffering from a tentorial ALM. T1 to T7. The chief asked me to go check it out." Derek smiled.

"Derek, a case like that. It sounds risky." She said.
"I'm just going for a consult." He smiled, "A weekend."
"That sounds nice..." She grinned as he kissed her again.
"48 Hours. No hiding." He smiled, holding her waist.
"Wait, why isn't your wife going with you?" She asked.

This was the first time Addison had even been mentioned in one of their conversations. He stood up straight, not used to talking about Addison with her.

"I mean, she's just letting you go for a whole weekend?" Meredith asked, covering up how awkward she felt.

"We're both doctors. She gets it. She has a big surgery here." He shrugged. "Please, Mer. Let's get away."
"I do have some sick days saved up." She smiled.
"So it's a yes?" He asked eagerly, "You're coming?"
"I'm coming." She smiled.

He immediately hugged her, wrapping his arms around her waist and he spun her around. He was laughing and it made her start giggling. She held him around the shoulders and kissed his neck gently. He let her down and they stumbled against the wall.

She gently rested herself against him. He found himself lost in her eyes and leaned in, his forehead against hers. She moved her hands to his jaw, gently stroking his stubble and smiling.

She kissed him gently and he didn't know what exactly was happening, he just knew she understood him. He held her waist and kept kissing her. He found his tongue slipping into her mouth and then he began to smile so wide when her hands pushed off his coat.

They undressed each other as fast as they could and her fingers tangled in his hair as he walked to his desk hoisted her on top of it, pushing things aside and knocking some things onto the floor.

She got him, every step, every feeling he felt, she did. And he knew it wrong, but he wouldn't stop, he wouldn't stop for the world. She didn't care as long as she could feel his breath on her skin.

He moaned as he yanked off her scrub top and her bra, and she pulled his scrub top over her head. She wrapped her legs around him and he felt himself harden against her. Her hands were gripping his hair, and their breaths were coming out hard and heavy. He let his hands lift her for a moment before pulling off her pants and underwear.

He pulled down his scrubs just enough to slide into her and he held her cheeks, gasping as he pushed into her. She was moaning into his mouth and squeezed his torso hard. He leaned forward, pressing her against his desk as he went faster. He stood up and she smiled as she reached for his chest, the tips of her fingers grazing the skin beneath his belly button. He smiled, his head going back.

Seeing her sprawled on her desk was enough to make him go over the edge and her legs tightened around his torso as he leaned over, holding her waist. He groaned and their lips curved upwards against each other. She held his jaw and nodded, losing herself in a fit of moaning. He kissed her and felt her biting his lip. The desk shook and he let go of control.

When they were done, she was wearing his scrub top and he had his boxer briefs on, sitting in his chair. She was sitting sideways on his lap, her head in the crook of his neck while her hands drew shapes on his chest. They were both sweating, and he kissed her forehead.

"You're so beautiful." He murmured into her ear, out of breath. She felt her cheeks redden before brushing her nose against his shoulder, just along the the muscle.

"Derek." Her voice was meek and quiet and he shifted her properly on his lap. His hands wrapped her waist and she smiled as he leaned up, kissing her deeply. Her hands mixed into his thick curls and he grinned when his eyes opened.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking deep into her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but her pager went off. She sighed and he pulled her back as she tried to get off of him.

"What is it?" He asked, a gentle curiosity in his voice.
"Nothing." She dismissed it, "It can wait."
"You sure?" He asked as she got off him.

They both grabbed their pants, pulling them up. She nodded and silenced her pager before she headed for the door.

"Meredith." He called, grabbing her shirt from under his desk. He laughed as she rolled her eyes and took his scrub shirt off, pulling on her own. He yawned and leaned on his desk, sitting on the edge before stretching. He pulled on his and before she opened the door, she ran back towards him, leaving a searing kiss against his lips.

"Pick me up at 7?" She asked, kissing him again. He nodded, too dumbfounded to say anything at all. He kept nodding and she grinned, walking out of his office and shooting him a wink over her shoulder. He blushed, his cheeks red while he cleaned up his office, picking things off the floor and smiling to himself.

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