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She woke up, her head pressed against his chest, leaving a Meredith-sized area of his chest red. She rolled over him and he smiled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She straddled him and his eyes opened slightly. When they did, he grinned and sat up. She was still wearing his button down and he leaned up, kissing her lips. He was hard underneath her and she giggled.

"Good morning." She smiled, making him chuckle.
"Morning." He mumbled, kissing her neck.

She gently grinded on him and he started groaning in pleasure. She leaned down, kissing his jaw and feeling his hands on her hips. The feeling of him was inexplicable and so intense that her cheeks always turned red when his hands tightened on her.

He slid into her and she moaned in pleasure. She gripped his shoulders and began to ride him, making him quake with pleasure. It was a quickie and they knew it. His teeth unbuttoned the shirt she wore and his tongue ran circles of saliva around her nipples until she moaned his name.

She pulled herself off of him and smiled as she rolled off of him. He grinned as she laid on her stomach and his tongue gently rubbed the small of her back. She held herself up on her knees and hands and he slid into her again. He groaned and the bed began to shake as she heard the noise of him inside her.

She moaned loudly and his hands came around her body, massaging her breasts eagerly. He moved her hair aside and leaned over her, smiling as they came. Her mouth was opened and he kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth and pulling away laughing as he rolled on his back.

She laid beside him on her stomach and he stared into her eyes for a while, smiling before he grabbed her cheeks, kissing her lips.

"God, you're amazing." He smiled, she crawled over him, and opened the blinds with the remote. She crawled out of bed and smiled, looking out of the window until he came up behind her.

"I love this." He whispered in her ear. She smiled as his arms wrapped around her. She turned back and he kissed her gently, "You look so good in my clothes, but I need you to come back to bed."

"Mhm." She nods, "Good idea." 

He picked her up, tossing her into bed and crawling over him. He kissed her and she grinned before he fell asleep against her waist. She snuck out of his grip a few moments later and went down to libby and the cafe down the street after pulling on her jeans.

"Señor Shepherd's lady friend." Pedro said as he walked in.
"Hi." She smiled, "I was wondering if you have a cake?"
"For you Miss, anything. What flavor?" He asked.
"Chocolate, he loves chocolate." Meredith grinned.
"Big or small?" Pedro asked curiously. "For Derek?"
"Small one is fine. Chocolate frosting too." She smiled.

"Come to the back." Pedro beckoned her. She followed him and he pulled a box out from his fridge, it was a small chocolate cake with two layers. He spread chocolate frosting over it and smiled, "How long have you known Señor Shepherd?"

"Oh, just since March." She grinned, "You?"

"Señor Shepherd and I have been friends for... so long. He gave me my first chance here. I had just moved from Chile and one day I was selling dulces on the streets and Señor Shepherd and his friend came over to try. Once they tried it, they loved it so much they paid the rent for this store for one month. That was almost 10 years ago."

"Is this you guys?" She asked, looking a picture on the wall. Derek, Pedro and one other man were in suits on the grass. There were all laughing and smiling and Pedro came over with a fork for her to try. She nodded and took a bite, smiling, it was so delicious.

"That was the day I was married. They came to my wedding 7 years ago. Señor Shepherd changed my life." Pedro said as a little girl walked into the kitchen.

"Hi!" Meredith smiled as the girl gave her a high-five.
"Hi! Are you Dr. Shepherd's friend?" She asked.
"Yeah." Meredith knelt down and nodded, "I am."
"Well here, give him this." The girl said.

She handed a card to Meredith and she smiled as she read it. Feliz Cumpleaños Señor Shepherd. - The Hernandez Family.

"Sophie, he is probably going to be busy today." Pedro said, hushing her before she ran away. Meredith stood up and Pedro handed her a box. She opened it and exclaimed in surprise. It was the most beautiful frosting work she'd ever seen. A small stethoscope was on the cake, even though it was only 5 inches wide.

"This is amazing. Thank you." She said, hugged Pedro. "How much do I owe you?"

"I cannot take a single dollar from you Señorita...." He trailed.

"Grey. Meredith Grey." She smiled, shaking his hand.
"Okay, go enjoy today." He hushed her out of the back and onto the street. She nodded and waved to him as she went back to the lobby and up the elevator. She kicked off her shoes and walked into the bedroom. He was lying there, shirtless, his head pressed into a pillow and his v-line just barely visible from his pajama pants.

"Hey." She whispered, tucking his hair back. He mumbled and she kissed his ear and smiled. he opened his eyes and grinned.

"Happy Birthday honey." She grinned and he turned to her. She lit the candle on the top of the cake. He chuckled and nodded as he opened his eyes.

"Honey?" He asked, propping himself up on an elbow.
"Sweetheart?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

He closed his eyes and blew on it, making her smile.

"Where did you get this?" He asked.
"Pedro, down the street." She smiled.

She handed him a card and he smiled, opening it. She leaned forward and kissed his ear. He chuckled and put it aside before she climbed on him, straddling him. He propped himself on his elbows.

"Here." She smiled and fed him a bite. His head went back in pleasure and she smiled, taking a bite herself. It was moist and filled with the sweetest chocolate she'd ever tasted.

"More." He chuckled, "Please!"

She fed him a large bite and he laughed as he chewed through it. He swallowed and she ate half of the last bite.

"Last bite." She said, feeding it to him.
"That man is going to give me diabetes." He laughed.

She smiled and he finished the cake before she held his chin, rubbing off a smudge of chocolate beneath his lip. She leaned down and kissed him before putting the empty box by the bed. He rolled around in the bed and kissed her deeply.

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