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"Hey." He said as he crawled into the bed that his wife occupied. He must've tripped over 4 pairs of heels while he took off his clothes and she turned around, kissing him gently before yawning.

"How was that surgery?" She asked.
"It ended up lasting us 26 hours. It was amazing." He nods.
"Good birthday?" She asked, "You had fun?"
"Yes." He nodded, "Go back to sleep, I know you're tired."
"Sweet dreams honey." She mumbled before yawning.

She turned around and he nodded but he stared at the ceiling, incredibly displeased at himself. Even 10 minutes without her was exhausting, depleting and he already wished he was back with her.

He closed his eyes and he was back there. The city with her in his arms. Her fingers tangled in his and he could remember the green in her eyes.

When he woke up, he smelled eggs and sat up. Addie was making breakfast and he chuckled as he walked up to her.

"What is this?" He asked curiously.
"Breakfast." She said, placing two plates by the booth.
"You never get up this early." He said, sitting down.
"Yeah, but I thought I would do something nice." She said.
"I appreciate it." Derek smiled kindly.
"Do you want to talk about New York?" She asked.
"I mean, the surgery was all that really happened."
"You didn't get out at all? Take a walk?" She inquired.
"I saw Pedro, we talked a bit." He said, "And Michael."
"That's nice." She smiled as he ate the eggs and he laughed.
"What?" She asked as he got up.
"I think you forgot something." He smirked.

He grabbed the salt from the pantry and sprinkled some on his omelette before sitting back down. He ate another bite and nodded.

"Derek, I want things to change." She said, reaching her hand out and gently taking his. "I don't want this to be us for the rest of our lives."

"I know." He sighed as he sat back and looked at her, "I want to work on it. I just... It's all just... a lot of pressure."

"I understand. I get that." She nodded, and he squeezed her hand, "We were something amazing once... I think we can get there again."

"Me too." He nodded, and he actually wasn't lying. He wanted to try to make it work with Addison, Meredith be damned. He had to try because then he would just be the cold son of a bitch that left his wife crying in the rain.

He stood up and took their plates before placing them in the sink. She got up too and he turned to her, he had to give them a chance.

"Come here." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist. She nodded and smiled as she let her head rest on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and tried to find the inspiration to try. He gently rubbed her back, and he sighed, "It's going to be alright."

"How about dinner tonight?" She asked, "out?"
"Date night?" He asked, letting out a soft laugh.
She pulled back and their faces were inches apart. She smiled and he nodded.

"You have yourself a date." He grinned, making her laugh.
"Are you going to the hospital today?" She asked.
"No, I was thinking about going fishing." He smiled.
"Alright, well, I have to go, but I'll be back at 6." She said.
"See you then." He smiled, drinking his coffee.

He watched her get dressed and yawned as he made the bed before she kissed his cheek and headed off to work. He pulled his tackle box from under the bed and sighed, seeing that he needed more bait. Pulling on jeans and a sweater, he grabbed his wallet and keys.

He drove to downtown Seattle and got out of the car at the bait shop, but before he could open his door to get out of his car, he saw her. Down the street, she had her dog on a leash. She was grinning as she walked, happy and he felt his stomach filling with butterflies.

As a runner passed her, the dog ran after him, pulling her with it. He watched as the runner stopped and turned around for her. He was a tall man with dark brown hair and tan skin. He watched the dog's front legs rest on the mans thighs and the man kneeled, petting his dog.


"Sorry," She sighed, "He is overly eager with strangers."
"No that's alright, don't worry." The man kneeled.
"Come on Doc, let's go." She urged but the man looked up.
"Doc, huh?" The guy asked as he scratched Doc's ears.
"Yeah, I am a surgical intern at Seattle Grace." She nods.
"Ouch." The man seethed as Doc nipped his hand.
"Oh hey! Doc! Bad dog." Meredith sighed as he stood up.
"It's alright." He reassured, "Don't worry about it."
"Let me see." She said, taking his hand.
"It's alright," The man laughed, "Just a small scratch."
"Well I have to make it up to you or something." She said.
"I mean you're okay, it's alright." He chuckled.
"I have some gauze in my car, I could wrap it." She said.
"Or you could let me take you out." He grinned.

She finally looked up and found the stranger's eyes. He was strikingly handsome and she noticed. She blushed gently before laughing nervously.

"I am Nathan Riggs, and you are?" He asked.
"Meredith." She said as he shook her hand, "Grey."
"Alright Meredith, will you go out with me?" He asked.
"Uhm, you know... I, I am kind of busy this week." She said.
"How about tonight? I am busy this week too." He smiled.
"Yeah, yeah I guess that could work." She smiled.
"Do you mind writing your number down?" He asked.

He pulled a small writing pad from his pocket and a pen. She wrote it down, and noticed the brand of the writing pad.

"JFK airport?" She asked, "I was just there."
"Pilot." He shrugged. "I am there every other week."
"Oh, that's kind of cool." She laughed.
"Yeah." He nodded, smiling, "I'll call you later."
"Sure." She smiled before he pet Doc and started running again.

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