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She smiled before kissing him again. She bit his lip and smirked when she stood up straight. She crossed her arms at her waist and pulled off her sweater. He instantly felt turned on, seeing her in a lacy black bra. She gently took his hands and trailed them up her body, her head going back in pleasure as he gently tightened his grip on her chest.

His breath was short and the city lights made her skin look like it was glowing. She pulled his hands to her waist and gently pulled him up. His hands pressed against her cheeks and he kissed her passionately, his tongue plunging into her mouth, making her moan. Her hands moved down his chest and then his torso.

His lips split from hers to moan as she unbuckled his belt. He groaned and felt her kissing his neck, gently grazing it with his teeth. She pulled the belt from his jeans and dropped it behind her before pushing the brown long sleeve off of him.

She kissed his jaw and then his collarbone, and down the center of his chest, making him smile. He groaned again and she was her knees, making his breath short.

"Ah...Mer..." He chuckled nervously. She unbuttoned his jeans and undid his fly before tugging it down and smiling. She pushed his jeans down and gently slid her hand into his boxer briefs.

His jaw clenched and he closed his eyes, letting his head go back in pleasure. She gently wrapped her hand around it and he sighed softly as she stroked him. His breath caught in lungs when she covered him with her mouth. His hands gently slid down, pulling her hair back. He watched her and began panting, his face grew red and she came back up, making him smile. He held her cheeks again and kissed her.

They pulled away, smiling and she slowly grinned. He kicked off the rest of his clothes and she pulled off her clothes. She pushed him into the bed and he laughed as she fell over him.

She sat on his chest and he grinned, watching her sigh. He pulled the covers closer. Their hands found each other and she let him slide inside her. They both gasped in pleasure and he leaned up, hugging her waist, kissing her skin. His teeth nipped her and it felt so good that he lost control of himself. She gripped his hair and grinned as she gently grinded on him.

"Perfect." He mumbled when he held her waist, helping her move back and forth on him. It was perfect. She was perfect.

She let him roll over her and he kissed her neck, taking her skin between her lips and sucking on it just enough to make her moan. Her legs wrapped around his torso and he chuckled as she gripped his hair.

He groaned as he thrusted into her and felt her nails scratching his back. It was the best feeling he'd ever had.

"Don't stop, Derek." She whispered, moans escaping her mouth a few moments later. He was so close and she rolled back over him. She started to smile and he groaned as she placed her hands on his chest.

He propped himself on his hands and sighed, dropping his head back. She grinned and he groaned in pleasure. She started moving faster and her moans grew louder.

His mouth blessed her cleavage and they lost each other in moans. One of her hands was gripping her hair and the other was nail deep in his back. The waves of orgasms flooded him like a tsunami and his hands squeezed her waist.

His breath was shivering and he let out the smallest laughs. She grinned as she pulled herself off of him. They pulled away and she kissed him deeply, her tongue slipping into his mouth as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Happy Birthday." She whispered against his lips.
"The best one to date." He grinned.
"Don't the lights ever go off?" She looked out the window.
"No, that's what the privacy screen is for." He said.

He grabbed the remote and clicked a button. Shades rolled down from the ceiling and she nodded. He rolled her to their sides and held her in his arms. Their noses were pressed and he kissed her. He heard a growl and looked at her confused.

"You don't happen to have food, do you?" She asked.
"No... but we can go get something." He chuckled.
"It's one in the morning. Everything is closed." She sighed.
"Sweetheart, you're in Manhattan, everything is open."

The butterflies in her stomach fluttered wildly. Sweetheart. She smiled.

"Yeah." She said as he got out of bed, "Let's go."
"Alright." He grinned as she opened the closet.

She grabbed a shirt of a hanger and pulled it on, doing the buttons. He came up behind her and hugged her, lifting her in the air. She laughed and his deep inhales tickled ear.

"Put me down, Derek!" She laughed.
"Sorry, I can't. You smell too good." He smiled.

He slid his jacket over her and pulled on his jeans and sweater. She grabbed her jeans and he held her hand before leading her back on the elevator. It took them all the way down and she thanked Michael for holding the door for them. He took her to a nice restaurant that doubled as a bakery. She was dumbfounded with choices and he smiled.

"Ah! Señor Shepherd!" The manager said.
"How's it going, Pedro?" Derek asked, walking around.

She grinned, watching them hug and talk for a while before the manager gave him a small bag. She waved to Pedro and he returned a kind smile before Derek chuckled.

"He gave us some of the pastry from today." Derek smiled.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" She asked, peaking in the bag.

"Boston-Cream, Jelly, Chocolate Croissant, Cinnamon Rolls. All the sweet stuff." He smiled.

She pulled a jelly doughnut from the bag and munched into it, fake-falling into his arms and making him laugh. He ate a boston cream doughnut and they slowly made their way back up to the apartment.

"Go to sleep." He said, tugging off her clothes and leaving the bag of sweets in the fridge. She nodded and yawned, tossing his clothes behind her. They fell into bed and his hand wrapped around her, pulling her against his chest.

She grinned and nodded, making him sigh before falling asleep.

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