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He was struck by her. She was wearing a yellow sweater and navy joggers that made her stand out in the Seattle cloudiness. He watched her write something on a piece of paper her gave her. He made her laugh and his stomach twisted with jealousy. His hands tightened on the wheel and tears filled in his eyes. He'd never been like this over anyone before and he didn't get his bait. He drove home and laid in bed, trying to forget the two of them.

When it was time to go out to dinner, he pulled on a button down and slacks as Addie arrived in a black dress.
"I guess we had the same idea for dinner." He said as they got in his car.

"Yeah, you look nice." She smiled as he drove to a dock-side restaurant. It was right on the water and he wanted to see the ferryboats while the ate.

"2 people." He said to the waiter as they went in.
"You got it." The man said, leading him inside.
"Is there a chance that we can eat out there?" Derek asked.

There was no one on the outside benches, near the pier. It was over the water and looked gorgeous. There were soft lights and the moon shined right down on it.

"I am sorry, it has been reserved for the head chef's friend tonight." The waiter said, "Would you still like to dine with us?"

"Yeah." Derek said, pulling out the chair for Addison. She smiled and sat before he pushed it back in. He sat and they got a basket of bread sticks to start. He couldn't help but look out the window every so often, and watch over the balcony. The other view wasn't empty till he saw two people being led to the back.

He caught the legs of a woman and instantly his breath caught in his lungs. It was her. His eyes traveled up her body, her thighs covered by a small green sundress that tightened around her waist and he bit his lip to keep his jaw from dropping open.

The man with was taller, stronger and more prominent than him, he understood that. He wore a full suit, navy and he had a pin on it. It had gold wings and he sighed, the man was a pilot, and also the runner he had seen her with that morning.

"Derek?" Addison asked.
"Yeah?" He asked, turning his attention to her.
"Do you know what you want?" She asked.
"I'll just have the steak." He replied shortly.
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
"Yeah." He cleared his throat and looked at her. "Yeah."
"Any fish today?" She asked.
"No..." He trailed, "How was your day?"

He pulled out the chair for her and he watched her smile and thank her date. He nodded politely and sat across from her. He had a direct line of sight to her and she had a v-neckline. There was a small necklace there. She didn't dress like that around him.

He was stuck on her. His eyes wouldn't look away from her lips and her grinning. When he finally turned back to Addison, she was reading the menu.

"Any interesting cases today?" He asked curiously.
"Yeah." She laughed shortly and smiled.

He couldn't stop looking out the window at them. He drank the wine that was there and he and Addison talked about her day and surgery and their marriage but throughout the night, his eyes kept resting on her face. Her lips when she took a bite. Her smile when he made her laugh. Her hair as she let it flow over her shoulders. Her hands as he held it on the table. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest when they got up.

They left the restaurant and Addison was still talking about her surgery. He pretended to listen and he simply couldn't think of anything except what they were doing.

"Addison, just give me a minute." He said, "I'll be back."

He walked out of the restaurant and held onto the railing. He couldn't breathe and his vision blurred. He loosened his tie and took heavy breaths before wiping his eyes. He saw them walking on the beach, shoes in their hands and he was breathing even harder now. He coughed out his breath and felt a burn in his throat.


He was handsome and she held her shoes as they walked along the sand. Nathan had served in the military and had a black cat who he loved. He was 28, same as her, and he towered above her.

"I love these ferryboats." She said quietly.
"What about them?" He asked, looking at her.
"I don't know actually..." She laughed.
"Well I like the buildings." He grinned.
"Oh yeah?" She asked.
"Look how they reflect on the water." He said softly.

He stopped walking and turned to her. She looked up at him and he stepped closer. She smiled as his nose brushed hers and he smiled. She held his neck, not being able to reach his shoulders. He kissed her while he picked her up by the waist. He held her there for a while and their kiss lasted longer than she'd ever kissed anyone but this was her first kiss in a while.


He immediately turned around but he had already seen it. He made his way to the other side of the railing and tried to breathe through gasps but he ended throwing up anyway. His $100 steak found itself mixed in with the Sound and he felt the pressure make his ears pop. This feeling was his own fault and his stomach burned. Addison ran out after him and held his shoulders as he coughed.

"Hey. Hey, just breathe." She said as she sat him on the dock. He took heavy breaths like he was winded and she was kneeling by him.

"I'm fine." He coughed out before getting up. He took off the suit jacket and loosened his tie even more. He stumbled, gripping the railing and Addison slid herself under his arm, holding him up. She helped him into the car and drove them home before helping him in bed. He didn't talk, but his stomach hurt, and was still twisted. She took off his shoes and unbuckled his belt as he rolled on his side, away from her.

"I'm fine Addie." He said quietly. She nodded and changed into her pajamas before she slid into bed. She rubbed his back affectionately and he closed his eyes.

He couldn't get her out of his head. That smile, her eyes, her lips. He thought of her and him, walking down the beach, He didn't know what frustrated him more; he going out with him or him seeing it.

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