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❜ ࣪˖ › Requested by @Seekxfigure1010 ! ༉‧ ⋆「 𝗦𝗘𝗘𝗞 𝗫 𝗙𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗘 」

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❜ ࣪˖ › Requested by @Seekxfigure1010 ! ༉‧ ⋆

[#] Seek is gender neutral guys but uses he/him pronouns idk


Being the two best and smartest entities in the hotel would mean that they were best friends, correct? No. Absolutely not. Figure hated almost everything, and Seek was so competitive that he even saw sleeping as a professional sport. It was painful how they didn't get along, if they were in the same room, they'd end up brawling in the worst and inhumane way possible.

If the player somehow skipped a Seek chase, that would be Figure's doing, and he'd know straight away. Everyone didn't like how much they loathed each other, and they would make it known.

So that's how they got here. Locked in a room with a bulletproof door that somewhat couldn't be broken down no matter how hard they tried. Even Figure himself couldn't bust it down, and he rips live human heads clean off.

"Dammit!!" he growled, hitting the door once more. Seek had formed a chair for himself using his black goo, and just stared at Figure trying to break the door, and failing. He supressed a muffled chuckle, his eye averting from the tall entity. Figure caught that immediately. "Something funny, you little puddle?" he hissed, turning his head. Seek looked back at Figure, his eyelid dropping.

Forming a mouth, he licked his teeth and smacked his lips, folding his arms and sitting up on his chair. "Yeah, seeing you fail to open the door," he answered with a deep chuckle. "I find it rather... Amusing."

Figure looked at him and raised a brow before growling and walking towards him, almost walking straight into a wall while doing so. He leaned down, his lip twitching as he did before he lifted his blindfold slightly to reveal two plain, white eyes.

"You actually have eyes?" Seek asked, raising his eyebrow and looking in awe of how surprisingly beautiful Figure's eyes were, even if they were just pure white. "That changes a lot of things." "Don't tell anyone, everyone thinks my eyes popped out of my sockets. Almost like what happened to you, but more brutal," (LORE LORE LORE) Figure mumbled, lifting up Seek's head by the chin. "Anyway, I genuinely think it's time that our rivalry comes to a close, don't you?"

Seek didn't respond to that, yet his cheeks went slightly warmer. "Or... I could teach you a lesson about laughing," Figure continued, narrowing his brows and trailing a finger down to Seek's neck. "Or," he started again, removing his hand and sitting down. "You entertain me."

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗱, 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗶.Where stories live. Discover now