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❜ ࣪˖ › Requested by @Kevin-Thats-It ! ༉‧ ⋆「 𝗛𝗜𝗗𝗘 𝗫 𝗝𝗔𝗖𝗞 」

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❜ ࣪˖ › Requested by @Kevin-Thats-It ! ༉‧ ⋆

(HC: Hide is touch-starved)

"Jack? Are you in here?" Hide called out as he sat in a closet, his legs crossed. He knew Jack could somewhat hear him, but he didn't know if he was actually present with him. "I know you can here me," he mumbled under his breath. "I haven't seen you all day... where are you?" he asked before pausing and looking at the floor. "I, uh... Transformed into a girl," he whispered for a final attempt.

Nothing. Which would be strange, because every time Hide turned into a girl, Jack would pretty much pounce on him and not leave the closet until Hide's lips were swollen from his rough kisses.

He let out a gentle sigh, leaning against the wall of the closet and looking up, biting his bottom lip gently until he suddenly heard footsteps. He quickly stood up, sensing who's footsteps they belonged to. A human. But the lights didn't flicker at all. He sighed once more, standing up completely straight as the player opened the closet door and stood inside of it.

Their breathing was heavy, eyes wide and lips tightly sealed. Hide just stared at them, transforming and taking their appearance, it's eye glowing. A girl. Goodness gracious, it was always the girls. He hissed gently in her ear, shuffling closer. She was frozen in fear. Hide really couldn't care less about fear, he just did what he did.

"Get out," he hissed, looking straight at her. She didn't move at all. She it just went on like that until Hide ended up screaming in her ear and shoving her out quickly. 

And she died. How pathetic.

Hide let out a gentle sigh once more before stepping out of the closet, almost falling over because of how short the human was. He rolled his eye and walked through the next door, encountering the secret door that was made on the side of the hotel made just for entities.

He walked into his room and crouched down, crawling under the bed and laying on his head, looking at the floor. "Get out," a voice mumbled from beside him. "That's my li-" Hide answered, looking to the side and abruptly stopping, his eye wide. "Jack? Where have you been?!" "Quit the shouting, get out." "What's up with you?"

Jack didn't respond at all, the only thing he did was brush his pointer finger underneath Hide's chin and lifting his head up, looking at his form. "You're a girl," he mumbled, granting a light peck on his temple. And that was it. Nothing more. Hide blinked, looking up at him and raised a brow, his lips tightly sealed.

Is that it..?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. Jack scowled before turning his head again and looking away, not saying anything after that. "Why my room?" Hide asked again, yet not receiving a response. "Jack? Love..?"

"God, Hide, can you please just shut up?! I'm not having a good day at all, you're so goddamn annoying, I swear on Figure, man... Just leave me alone for goodness sake, I can't deal with you right now..." Jack suddenly snapped, gripping his hair tightly, almost as if he would rip his hair out. Hide didn't respond, yet his eye went wide in an instant. He opened his mouth, but Jack quickly shushed him. "Shut up," he hissed, narrowing his brows. "PLEASE, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!"

Hide's eye went even wider, his lips parted as he blinked rapidly before he looked away his lip twitching. And then, Jack regretted what he said. "Hide, I..." "Get out of my room," Hide mumbled. "Sweetheart, please..." he mumbled, only to get interrupted. "Out. You can talk to me when I feel like it."

Jack fell silent again before letting out a deep sigh and looking at his boyfriend once again before quickly kissing his cheek and caressing his forehead gently, nodding. "I love you," he whispered, brushing a strand of his hair away and getting out from under the bed, standing and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The only reason why Hide accepted that sign of affection was because of how touch-starved the guy was.

He buried his head in his hands and just stared in front of him, letting out a deep sigh and biting his lip to stop the tears. But he couldn't. That was an emotion that he couldn't hold back, and before he knew it, he was crying. Pure black tears trickling down his eyeball, yet he didn't make a single sound at all.

Was this how humans felt? Well, maybe. He didn't know...



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