Chapter 2- The Beginning of Our Journey

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A/N: -----TW: Brief mention of sexual assault -----


"Y/N!" "Y/N!" "Wakeup!"

Squinting, my eyes fluttered open. Huh? Fumi?

"F- fumi?" "What's wrong?" 

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. Naofumi looked panicked. Hie eyes were wide and his brows furrowed. 

"Y/N, it's gone!" "It's all gone!"

"G- gone?" "What's gone?" 

"Everything". "All of our belongings". "Bags, armour, clothes, all of it.... gone". 

"H- huh?" "We've been robbed?" I threw my legs from the bed in a panic. "E- everything?" "Everything's gone?" I questioned, earning a quick nod from the boy.

How did someone manage to sneak into our room in the middle of the night? How did they manage to steal absolutely everything without even making a sound? There were two of us in the room for crying out loud!

My heart started to race as the situation had finally begun to sink in. What do we do now? We have nothing. 

Throwing my hair up in a ponytail, I grabbed Fumi's hand. 

"Myne". "We need to check on Myne". 


Naofumi's POV

Gripping tightly to Y/N's hand, we sprinted towards Myne's room.

"Myne, open up!" "We've been robbed!" "Everything's been stolen!"



I threw open the door and gasped loudly.

"E- everything's gone?" the girl beside me questioned. 

Not a single trace of Myne was left in that room.

'Where did she go?' 'What is happening right now?'

Upon exiting her room , heads down in despair, we stopped. Our path down the hallway had been blocked. Several guards stood before us, weapons drawn.

Relief washed over me. Thank god. They had come to help us.

"We're glad you're here", I spoke. 

"You have to help us". "We've been robbed!" Y/N pleaded, holding my hand tighter. 

The guards didn't budge. 

'Why do they look so stand- offish?' 'Did something happen?'

I took a step forward.

"Stay back fiend!" one of the guards roared, raising his sword.

"H- huh?" "What do you mean?" "We need help!" I started to panic some more. 

'What's the meaning of this?'

I began to walk towards the men before me, but was halted in my tracks.

"F- fumi." "Stay back". "You'll only get hurt", Y/N whispered, cowering behind me.


"Mr Iwantai, the king has summoned you". "We are here to escort you". "Miss Y/N, your presence is not required". "Please remain here". 

"N- no!"  Y/N yelped, "Anywhere Fumi goes, I go too!" "I will not leave his side!" She pulled my arm into her chest and held me tightly.

"But it may be dangerous Y/N. It's best you stay here. Don't worry, I'll be back soon".

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