Chapter 6- The First Wave

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Y/N's POV:

We set out early the following morning to get in some more training before we were whisked away to fight the first battle. 

Naofumi had stated that we only had a couple of hours left until the first wave commenced. 

"I'm kind of scared Fumi", I muttered, bringing the sword down on his shield. 

"I know, so am I". "But we have to remain calm". "I'll be sure to protect you Y/N so there's nothing to be scared of".

I smiled, "Yeah, I'll protect you too". "Just don't get hurt okay?" I teased, playfully punching his arm. 

He returned my laugh, "The same goes for you k?" 

I nodded, gripping his hand tightly. 

"1 minute left now". 

I nervously clutched Naofumi's hand tighter, trying to steady my breath.

"Everything will be okay Y/N", he patted my head.

Gulping, I peered up at the boy, "J- just don't let go okay?" 

"I won't", were the last words he whispered as the timer hit zero and we were consumed in a bright purple light. Warmth flooded through my body, as the surrounding forest dissolved from view. I could still see our intertwined fingers and the boy beside me with a serious look on his face.  

As the light dispersed, my eyes adjusted to the dramatic light change. The mood felt sombre. Glancing to either side of me, I noticed the three other heroes and their parties had also been summoned. 

"Where are we?" Fumi spoke up. I shook my head, "I- it's kinda creepy". I still held his hand tightly, refusing to let him go. 

The sky was a dark shade of purple. Large black clouds loomed overhead and standing ominously before us were the ruins of what appeared to have once been a castle. 

"Where are all the monsters?" I questioned, looking curiously around.

"I don't know", the boy responded. "Let's have a look around". Naofumi and I approached the run down castle.

"God, it's a mess", I groaned, kicking aside a fallen piece of rubble. 

The two of us were interrupted by a loud scream. Flicking our heads towards the source of the noise, our eyes met with Myne. She was gripping Motoyasu's arm, a look of pure terror etched on her face. She held a shaking hand towards the sky, "W- what are those?" 

Following her finger, I gasped. Gripping Naofumi's hand tighter, I. stuttered, "F-fumi, I think the m- monsters are here". 


Naofumi's POV:

I felt the girl beside me shudder in fear. Her grip on my hand tightened. "I- it's okay Y/N". "W- we'll be fine". I tried to reassure my best friend, but It was hard. I was terrified too. Swallowing my fear, I let go of Y/N's hand. "Come on". 

As the shrieks grew louder, I sprinted forward, holding my shield up. 

One of the grey, leather skinned beasts charged towards me, launching an attack.

It's claws hit my shield with a loud clang, sending me back slightly.

It began sending a flurry of attacks my way. I defended myself with my shield, barely managing to leave a scratch on the beast. It was hard to fight against such a foe with nothing but a mere shield. 

Sweating profusely, I glanced to my right.

"Stay back Fumi!", Y/N yelped, raising her sword. She started to swipe and slash in a frenzy at the beast, screaming her lungs out. 

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