Chapter 4- Drinks Are On Me

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A/N: TW: Contains  brief instance of attempted sexual assault  

Y/N's POV: 

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. 

'Shit, he's so close'.

My eyes were met with a sleeping Naofumi. He lay on his side, arm outstretched. Lifting my head, I realised that I had been lying on his arm the whole night. Looking down, I noticed our legs were intertwined in a messy manner.

 My face flushed.

Raising myself from the embarrassing position , my eyes flicked back to the boy before me. His lips were slightly parted and his breathing steady. He wore a thin white shirt, that's neckline hung loosely, showing off his defined collar bone and chest. 

The boy suddenly yawned, rolling onto his back. As a result, his shirt had ridden up. My eyes travelled down his body and landed on his abs slightly peeking from the bottom of his shirt, his prominent v-line on full display.

I awkwardly adverted my gaze.

'Am I really ogling my best friend right now?'

"Hmm, you're awake?" 

My stomach dropped and I flicked my head towards the now awake boy.

"Huh?" "Y- yeah, just woke up" I let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of my neck. 

'Fuck, his morning voice sounds so sexy'. 

'Huh? What am I thinking?' 'I must just be touch starved or something, I'm not really attracted to my best friend'. 


Naofumi stretched, letting out a load groan. "That was a surprisingly nice sleep". "But my arm's practically dead!"He laughed, flexing the arm I had slept on. Heat raced over my face.

"Y- yeah, sorry about that". "Your arm just must have been really comfortable".

'Kill me now'.

"Nah, I don't mind. As long as you were comfortable, that's all that matters". 

He coughed, "I gotta pee, I'll be right back k?" "You wanna start gathering our stuff up?" It's stopped raining so we should get back on the road as soon as possible". 

I nodded, as I watched Fumi throw on his cloak and head outside. 


Naofumi's POV: 

Zipping up my pants, I cleared my throat. It sure was a hot one. In contrast to yesterday's weather, the sun was beating down, causing a light sweat to break out over the back of my neck.

"Are you done yet Fumi?" I heard her sweet voice drift through the air.

"Y- yeah, all done", I responded, peering out from behind the rock.

"You good to go?" The girl nodded in agreement. 

"Right, well let's head out then". I snatched the bags from the girl's hands and led the way back through the forest. 

It felt like we had been walking for hours.

"Fumi, are we lost?" 

"H- huh?" "No! Absolutely not! I know where we are... Maybe?" I sighed, "Okay, I think we may be lost".

The (h/c) haired girl sighed, "Ugh, well maybe we should stop for a rest and regroup". She stated, pointing towards a nearby clearing. I agreed, watching Y/N enter the clearing and approach a log. I sat beside her and stretched my arms in the air.

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