Chapter 16- The Final Wave Part 1

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Y/N's POV:

My hands began to sweat and my mouth grew dry. 

Rounding the corner, I bumped into Naofumi's chest. "Oof, Fumi?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead. 

"Sorry Y/N, but do you have a moment?" "I wanna talk to you about something". 

My heart dropped and my nerves returned. "Y- yeah, sure". "I wanted to talk to you too". 

He led me towards a secluded spot behind the inn. We stood in silence. I was too nervous to start the conversation, so I gestured towards him, "You can go first". 

I prayed that he had the same thoughts as me. Would he want to take things to the next level as well? I held my breath in anticipation. 

He turned his gaze to the ground. "Y/N, let's forget the kiss ever happened". "It was just a mistake we made in the heat of the moment". "Let's just stay friends okay?" 

My face sunk and a frown found its way to my lips. That's definitely not what I was expecting.

"Y/N?" Noticing my silence, Naofumi leant closer, tilting his head. "You agree don't you?" 

Quickly looking up, I mustered a smile. A fake smile. "Y- yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking". 

"Really?!" "That's great!" "I'm so glad we're on the same page!" He ruffled my hair and laughed, "Right, let's head back to the room then... best friend". The emphasis on the last two words sent a dagger straight through my heart.

After the boy had left, I crouched down, clutching my knees to my chest. I let out a guttural scream, sobbing loudly. Throwing my head back, the tears continued to flow. 

'Why? Why? Why?' 'Why did he have to say that?' 'Why couldn't I have gone first?' 

Opening my eyes, I cast a blurry gaze upon the sky. The beautiful stars sparkled contently in the vast blackness above me. I sniffled loudly, wiping the tears aggressively from my eyes. 

I trudged back towards the room. Instead of entering the room Naofumi and I shared, I knocked lightly on the room a few doors down. 

"Y/N?" "It's late, what's wrong?"

"I- I'm so glad you insisted on getting a separate room". "C- can I stay here tonight?" Raphtalia could sense my depressed mood and pulled me into the room. 

"What's wrong?" With that question, I burst into tears yet again. 

Startled, the girl pulled me into an embrace. 

"I'm guessing things didn't go well tonight". 

"H- he says he wants to stay friends". "And f- forget about the kiss". Raphtalia's face fell into a look of pity. She gripped my cheeks and wiped the tears from my swollen eyes. 

"Raphtalia?" "Why is mistress Y/N crying?" Filo shuffled from underneath the covers and wiped her eyes sleepily. 

"She's just had a rough night". "She'll be sleeping with us tonight, is that okay?" 

Filo smiled, pulling me into a hug. "Yay, a slumber party!" Her response seemed to lighten the mood and the three of us held hands as we all headed to bed. 

"Y/N, is everything okay?" "I got worried when I woke up in an empty bed".

I smiled a fake smile. "Yeah, Filo said she just wanted to have a girl's night, so I stayed with them". "I hope that was okay with you?"

Naofumi sighed in relief. "Yeah, just give a heads up next time okay?" Nodding, I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder before heading out the door. 

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