Chapter 8- Alone Again

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A/N: TW: Brief instance of domestic abuse and brief mention of abortion.

Y/N's POV:

The material of his shirt left my fingers, as he slipped from the closet. Darkness surrounded me. 

"I heard you were looking for me". Naofumi's muffled voice sounded from somewhere outside. The sounds of shouts and fighting could be heard getting further away. Naofumi must have been leading the aggressor away from the shack.  

It soon fell silent. Time slowed. It felt like hours had passed. My breath started quickening and I placed my hands on either side of the closet.

'A- are the walls closing in?' I started to panic, sliding down onto the floor and cradling my head in my hands.

"Y- Y/N", the soft voice of Raphtalia didn't reach my ears, as I began rocking back and forth.

'Where's Fumi?' 'Why isn't he back yet?' 'Has he forgotten about me?' 'Has he left me?' 'Why is this happening again?'

Thoughts circled my head, as the tears streamed down my face. 

It was happening all over again...

{13 Years Ago...}

"You fucked him didn't you!?" The man screamed, shoving his wife against the wall. 

"Yeah, well, what if I did!?" "You've been cheating on me for three years now!" Three!" "How do you think that makes me feel?!" "For christ sake James, we have a daughter together!"

A loud slap echoed through the near empty room, "I never wanted that little fuck!" "You were the one that decided on having it!"

"Yeah..." The woman spat back with tears in her eyes. She gripped her red cheek tightly, "Well if you had pulled out in time then we wouldn't be in this situation would we?!" 

"How dare you speak back to me!" "I should've aborted the baby myself when I had the chance!"

"Fuck you!" she screamed, shoving James back. 

"Ella..." the middle aged man groaned angrily. 

Throwing the door open, I ran in front of my mother, "Daddy, stop it!" "Please don't hurt Mummy". 

The man seethed, "Y/N, move", he growled. I stood my ground, arms outstretched. "Please daddy", I desperately pleaded, tears forming in my eyes. 

"You little shit, I said to get out of the way, fuck". My father grabbed my arm roughly, throwing me across the room. 

"I'm not done with this bitch yet". 

"James she's seven, watch the way you speak". The woman's voice softened slightly. Although she seemed gentle, my mother did nothing to help me. I lay against the wall, clutching my head and crying. My sobbing grew louder, "M- mummy, d- daddy!" "Don't fight!"

"Shut the fuck up, or you'll be next!" My father roared, gripping my mother's hair and throwing her to the floor. She screamed out in pain, "J- james stop it!" "You're hurting me!" 

Hearing my mother in such pain only made me cry harder. Despite the way she neglected me day after day, I couldn't help but want to protect her. Adrenaline rushing through my body, I ran towards my father. Grabbing his arm, I screamed, "N- no daddy!" 

"Fuck Y/N, I've had enough of this bullshit!" Grabbing me by the shirt, he stormed towards the small closet by the bed. Throwing the door open, he shoved me in and pointed an angry finger in my face.

"Stay here!" "If you so happen as make a noise, I will fucking kill you, you hear?!" "And then I'll kill that slut out there!" Nodding in fear, I shut my mouth and curled up into a ball. 

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