Part -13 EID Celebration

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[Nyra arrives at Rajput's house and is greeted by Abhay's mom, who offers a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.]

Nyra: "Auntie, has Abhay spoken to you?"

[Abhay's mom's smile fades as she shakes her head.]

Abhay's Mom: "No, Nyra. He hasn't. And he didn't even have breakfast this morning."

[Nyra's concern deepens at the news, realizing the extent of Abhay's turmoil.]

Nyra: "I'll go talk to him, auntie. I'm sure he needs someone to be there for him."

[With determination, Nyra heads towards Abhay's room, resolved to offer him comfort and support during this difficult time.]

[Nyra enters Abhay's room and notices him sleeping peacefully. She spots a diary nearby and, curious, picks it up and starts reading the heartfelt shayaris penned by him. Suddenly, her foot collides with an empty alcohol bottle, sending shockwaves through her.]

Nyra: "Abhay... when did you start drinking?"

[Abhay, startled awake by Nyra's presence, tries to find the right words.]

Abhay: "Nyra... I... I started..."

[Nyra's eyes search his, her concern evident.]

Nyra: "Why, Abhay? Why did you start drinking?"

[Abhay's voice falters as he reveals his inner turmoil.]

Abhay: "Because... I love you, Nyra. I can't bear to imagine a life without you. So, I turned to alcohol to numb the pain... to live with the memories of you."

[Before Abhay can continue, Nyra's heart breaks at his confession. Without hesitation, she wraps him in a tight hug, offering him the comfort and reassurance he desperately needs.]

Nyra: "Abhay, you don't have to drown in sorrow

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Nyra: "Abhay, you don't have to drown in sorrow. I'm here for you, always. Let's face whatever comes together, with strength."

[In that moment, their embrace speaks volumes, a silent promise of unwavering support and love as they navigate the challenges ahead, hand in hand.]

Nyra: "Come on, Abhay. Let's go downstairs and have breakfast together."

[Abhay nods, his expression reflecting a glimmer of gratitude for Nyra's presence.]

Abhay: "Alright. Just give me a moment. I'll quickly take a shower."

[Nyra smiles reassuringly, understanding Abhay's need for a moment to gather himself.]

Nyra: "Take your time, Abhay. I'll wait for you downstairs."

[With a gentle pat on his shoulder, Nyra gives Abhay the space he needs, knowing that they'll face whatever comes next together.]


[Nyra and Abhay's mom sit at the dining table, waiting for Abhay to join them. When he arrives and sits beside Nyra, a heavy silence hangs in the air.]

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