Part-40 Dance Battle Game

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Abhay enveloped Nyra in a tight embrace, concern etched into every line of his face. "Are you okay?"

Nyra leaned into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his presence reassuring her. "Hmm... now Yuvika and Reddy won't pester us again." She let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the ordeal to be over.

Nirav's voice cut through the tension, bringing a sense of relief to the atmosphere

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Nirav's voice cut through the tension, bringing a sense of relief to the atmosphere. "Alright, now let's put all this behind us and celebrate Nyra and Abhay's Sangeet!"

His words were met with nods of agreement and smiles from everyone present, eager to immerse themselves in the joyous occasion once more.

Tasmia's voice boomed across the room, capturing everyone's attention. "Well, well, well," she began with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I've got a suggestion to make Nyra's Sangeet an absolute blast and a memory to cherish forever."

The crowd leaned in, intrigued by Tasmia's proposal.

"How about," she continued, her voice filled with excitement, "we spice things up with a dance battle game?"

A wave of enthusiasm swept through the guests as they cheered in agreement. Nyra's eyes lit up with excitement, fully embracing the idea.

"Sounds like a fantastic idea!" Abhay exclaimed, his smile widening.

Nirav nodded eagerly. "Count me in! Let's make this Sangeet unforgettable!"

Tasmia raised her hand to quiet the excited murmurs. "Alright, listen up, everyone!" she called out, commanding attention. "For the dance battle game, we'll split into two teams: Team Nyra and Team Abhay."

Nyra and Abhay exchanged a knowing glance, already formulating their strategies.

"Now," Tasmia continued, "Abhay and Nyra, it's time to choose your team members. Who's on your side?"

Abhay scanned the room, his gaze landing on his friends and family. "I'll go first," he declared confidently. "I choose Zayan, Tasmia, and Nirav."

Nyra nodded in agreement. "Great choices," she remarked, before turning to survey the remaining guests. "For Team Nyra, I pick Sumana, Ajay, and Atharv."

Excitement filled the air as the teams were formed, each member eager to showcase their dancing skills and support their leader.

Excitement filled the air as the teams were formed, each member eager to showcase their dancing skills and support their leader

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