Part-43 Abhay's plot to expose Aarav

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During the vibrant haldi ceremony, Nyra, adorned in her yellow attire and surrounded by joyous laughter, suddenly lost her balance. Aarav, who had been keeping a close eye on her, instinctively moved forward to catch her. However, Abhay, who had been standing nearby, reached her first, swiftly catching her just in time. As Nyra steadied herself, she thanked Abhay with a smile, their hands lingering together for a moment too long.

Aarav's heart sank as he watched the scene unfold. His eyes narrowed, and a burning jealousy took root deep within him. He clenched his fists, his mind racing with thoughts of rage and possession. "Abhay Rajput, you must die soon," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with venom. The sight of Abhay and Nyra together ignited a fire in his heart, an obsessive jealousy that he could not shake. In that moment, Aarav vowed to do whatever it took to remove Abhay from their lives forever, convinced that only then could he have Nyra all to himself.

 In that moment, Aarav vowed to do whatever it took to remove Abhay from their lives forever, convinced that only then could he have Nyra all to himself

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Determined to eliminate Abhay, Aarav meticulously devised a sinister plan. He knew that the grand chandelier in the hall, suspended by a thick rope, would be the perfect instrument for his scheme. As the haldi ceremony continued, Aarav discreetly made his way to the chandelier's anchoring point. With a lighter in hand, he carefully set the rope ablaze, watching as the flames slowly weakened the fibers.

As the ceremony carried on below, Aarav kept his eyes fixed on Abhay, who was oblivious to the impending danger. Aarav's heart pounded in anticipation, each passing second bringing him closer to his dark goal. "This is it," he whispered to himself, a cold determination in his voice. "Abhay Rajput, your end is near."

Just as the rope reached its breaking point, Aarav's breath hitched

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Just as the rope reached its breaking point, Aarav's breath hitched. The chandelier, a massive, glittering structure, began to sway ominously. Down below, Abhay stood directly in its path, laughing with friends, unaware of the peril above. Aarav's eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction. "Goodbye, Abhay," he muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, a loud snap echoed through the hall as the rope finally gave way. The chandelier plummeted towards Abhay. But at the last possible moment, Sumana shouted a warning. Abhay looked up, his eyes widening in shock. With a desperate lunge, he threw himself out of the chandelier's deadly path. The chandelier crashed to the ground with a thunderous noise, shattering into countless pieces.

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