Part-35 Trio couples

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(After the engagement,Sumana is searching for Nirav all around)

Sumana barged into the room, her heart pounding with a mix of frustration and desperation. Spotting Nirav on a phone call, she acted swiftly, snatching the phone from his hand and cutting off the conversation without hesitation. With determination in her eyes, she led him to a secluded corner, her voice trembling with emotion as she demanded answers.

"What did you said to Nyra?" Sumana's voice was sharp, her tone accusing.

Nirav's expression shifted, confusion flickering across his features. "I didn't say anything," he responded, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

But Sumana wasn't convinced. Her grip tightened on his collar as she confronted him with her suspicions. "You told her you're not interested in me, that you don't like me," she accused, her words punctuated by frustration.

Nirav's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "So, baby, you're disappointed, huh?" he retorted, his tone teasing.

Sumana felt a surge of disbelief wash over her, her mind reeling with conflicting emotions. Unable to find the words to respond, she stood there, speechless, grappling with the weight of Nirav's cavalier attitude. In that moment, the silence between them spoke volumes, leaving Sumana grappling with the realization that perhaps things weren't as she had believed them to be.

 In that moment, the silence between them spoke volumes, leaving Sumana grappling with the realization that perhaps things weren't as she had believed them to be

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As Sumana's grasp on his collar weakened, Nirav acted decisively, forcefully seizing her by the waist and guiding her to a nearby table. Without hesitation, he swept items from the table onto the floor, the clatter of falling objects punctuating the charged atmosphere. Trembling with uncertainty, Sumana's voice quivered as she questioned his actions.

"W-What are you doing?" she managed to stammer out, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and confusion.

Ignoring her trembling voice, Nirav closed the distance between them, his breath warm against her neck as he leaned in close. With a gentle touch, he rubbed his nose against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. Then, with a whisper that was both tender and commanding, he spoke directly into her ear.

"Baby, let us completely fall in love," Nirav murmured, his words echoing in the stillness of the room. "Then I'll announce to everyone that Nirav belongs to Sumana. Okay?"

Sumana recoiled at his closeness, a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through her veins. Pushing against his chest, she attempted to create distance between them, but Nirav's hold remained unyielding.

"Just now, you were so fierce, like a tigress," Nirav remarked, amusement lacing his voice. "But now you're like an innocent puppy. I like it."

Before Sumana could respond, Nirav's lips found her neck, leaving a bold mark that elicited a sharp gasp of surprise and pleasure from her lips. As the sensation overwhelmed her, Sumana couldn't suppress a scream, her voice echoing in the empty room as Nirav's actions left an indelible mark on her skin.

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