Part-42 Abhay's Life in Danger

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As night fell, Nyra sat comfortably in her room, her face illuminated by the soft glow of her laptop screen. She was on a video call with Abhay, who was smiling warmly at her from his side of the screen. The evening breeze gently rustled the curtains by the open window where she sat.

"I can't wait to be Abhay Bansal," Abhay said with a playful grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Nyra laughed, her joy evident in her voice. "You mean you can't wait to be Mr. Nyra Bansal," she teased, her heart filled with love and anticipation for their future together.

Unbeknownst to her, a man stood outside, hidden in the shadows. He wore a long coat, his eyes fixed on Nyra with an unsettling intensity. He watched her every movement, his gaze lingering on her face as she talked and laughed with Abhay.

 He watched her every movement, his gaze lingering on her face as she talked and laughed with Abhay

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"Nyra, you're only mine," the man muttered to himself, his voice low and possessive. "I won't let anyone take you away from me."

His eyes narrowed as he continued to observe her, his mind consumed by an obsessive admiration that bordered on madness

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His eyes narrowed as he continued to observe her, his mind consumed by an obsessive admiration that bordered on madness. As Nyra and Abhay shared their dreams and plans for the future, the man outside remained fixated on her, a silent promise of his sinister intentions echoing in the night.

As the call ended, Nyra closed her laptop with a contented sigh. She got up and walked over to her window, opening it to let in the cool night air. As she gazed outside, her eyes suddenly caught sight of a strange man standing across the street. His tall figure was partially obscured by the shadows, but his presence was unmistakable.

 His tall figure was partially obscured by the shadows, but his presence was unmistakable

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