Chapter 1

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It was in the morning in Yonsei University,every student were present inside the school. Some students were playing games,some were eating,pressing their phones,chatting with others,taking pictures and there,was kim ju-kyung writing when a girl approaches her then she said, Hi. I'm Jenny. I'm 18 years old and I've just moved here today from the US(United State). What's wrong? she asked ju-kyung because of the way she was staring at her.

Nothing, My name is kim ju-kyung and i'm also 18 years old. "she replied with a smile on her face",then they both smiled together. Why are you doing your home work alone? "Jenny asked",i'm on an athletic scholarship here. I have to pay more attention to class than anyone else here.

Also, i don't really know how to talk to anyone else here "she replied".why?"Jenny asked".Do you see those three girls?,they like to talk about expensive bags,shoes,clothes that they just bought or which country will they go to this summer? For an international school like this one, only rich kids go there. There are lot of students on scholarship like me. I'm fine if you want to leave and talk to someone else. I know i'm quite boring. Then ju-kyung continues to do her assignment.

Jenny stood up and walked away then she came back with a food flask after a minute. Jenny opened the flask the she asked ju-kyung with a bright smile on her face "want a bite?, i made it myself", i want to be your friend,ju-kyung. Thanks"ju-kyung replied" and they both start eating as they were chatting with each other. Those girls seem kind of mean(they both chuckles ),by the way do you have any tips for a new student like me?"jenny said"i do(she said with a low voice).

You......don't know anything about this school,do you?" ju-kyung-kyung whispered softly".Not really. I only know what the teacher told me"jenny said while laughing".Have you.......ever been bullied before at your school?"ju-kyung-kyung asked in an intimidating way".No"she replied out of fear".Or have you bullied someone else before?" ju-kyung asked".Never"she responded".

If you want to survive in this school alive and completely without your hand,leg or any of your body part being broken or expelled you need to be on your guard first and fore most. The bullying here is severe"ju-kyung said to her as she was moving her head closer to jenny's face which made jenny to shivered in fear"."she said with a stammering voice".In this age? At an international school this?" jenny asked as she was stuttering". It's even because it's an international school like this one. The more special it is....,the merrier the bullying is" ju-kyung replied".

Then, a bunch of messages beeping from everyone's phone in the school. Some students were happy while some were sad and scared at the same time.
At this school, there's a game" ju-kyung said to jenny".
the messages keeps spreading through the school chat group in their phone

Chat group:A new black box has been sent!!!
Let's goooo!!!!!!
You don't want to miss this!

This is judged by the most influential group in school. Whoever runs into trouble with them will receive a black box with a lion logo attached on it along with a blood stain in their locker, which means that anyone can do whatever they want with the person

Chat group:It's party time
I want to beat up someone!yeah!!!
GAME START ........

They know that they can't do anything serious in front of the cameras
Chat group:Don't forget the first rule
They have to be as subtle as possible without evidence.

The boy(Jae-wook) who received the card shook in fear and start walking out quickly but on his way he hit his leg at a bucket full of water set up for him by the students which made him slid on the water as a result, he fell down.
chat group:First rule; everything must look like an accident

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