Chapter 5

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Reaching the room, they found the intravenous drip with a tip drop of blood on the floor and the drip was scattered around the intravenous' stander and the coffee table disheveled which means that the patient wasn't stable,talking of the patient there was no one the sick bed.  Tae-won rushed out of the ward then said to the rest "are you sure this is the ward". yes!"Kevin and Jae-min chorused in respond". But there's no one here"Jung-suk said".what!"kevin shouted in shock", she was here this morning so, she has left "kevin said".

   Why is she so dumb and stubborn....."jae-min said loudly to himself". We have to find her"tae-won said". Yes, we should , do any of you guys know any information about her? "jung-suk asked".No"jae-min and kevin chorused in respond". So, what should we do now"tae-won asked". Let just wait for her to come to school tomorrow."jae-min said". okay"tae-won replied". And what if she doesn't" jung-suk asked". she will and if she didn't ,we will ask jenny about her"kevin said".yeah, that's ju-kyung's friend "tae-won said". Yes she is "jung-suk replied ".......

      Ju-kyung walked away home slowly with the little strength in her, reaching her home, at the gate she was exhausted as a result, she fainted....

      At the grocery store, Liya and uncle Raymond were calculating their sales for the day when liya's phone beeped. Aaahhh!!!!!!!" liya screamed loudly". what's wrong "uncle ray asked while holding a rope in order to tie her down so as  to prevent her from running wild".I....i....just got admission to ju-kyung's school!!!" liya said then screamed out of excitement".Finally!"uncle ray shouted happily",after dozens times of trying.

      It could be said that Yonsei university could be got in either by connection or luck. Liya can be known as one of the brilliant student along with ju-kyung but fortunately by luck, only ju-kyung was picked to the school.
Now!"liya shouted",i hereby clarify myself as a bonafide student of the school, Finally! "she screamed", i can now get to see the lions ,yeaaahhh!!!. congratulation " uncle ray said with a bright smile on his face". i need to tell ju-kyung about this " she said".Now i will take advantage of what she could not do " liya said clicking her tongue seductively, then uncle ray shook his head knowing the kind of cousin he has". Liya picked up her phone to call  ju-kyung in order to tell her about the good  news.
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  zing....zing,zing...zing,zing...zing, phone call diverting. hello, ju-kyung..."interrupted by seon-kyung". Hi,liya it's me seon-kyung" he said".why are you with her phone" liya asked worriedly". My sister is still unconscious, she....What! " interrupted by liya",what happened"she asked". it's not a thing to talk about on  phone"seon-kyung said". Is it that serious? "she asked",you know what , i'm coming over now...."phone call ended"
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what happened " uncle ray asked liya" . ju-kyung is unwell, can i go see her"liya replied". it's late already,you will go tomorrow morning "he said then liya said okay in reply worriedly"........

   The next day, liya went to ju-kyung's house to check on her, when she got there she  quickly rushed into ju-kyung's room then she said as she saw  a white bandage stained with blood  wrapped around  her injury at her head "oh my! what happened to you?".. ju-kyung explained everything that happened to her in school then liya screamed "whattt!!", don't you worry now i will protect you"liya said while hugging her as she tapped her back lightly".how did you get home when u passed out at the front gate "liya asked".

   That's true oo, how did i get home "ju-kyung replied with a question". wait,Are you asking me? "liya answered with a question". If i can remember, i got to my house's gate before i passed out....interrupted by seon-kyung as he entered the room. How  are you feeling sister "seon-kyung asked ju-kyung". seon-kyung, how did i get to my room? ju-kyung asked". you don't know? " he said quickly",i was the one who carried you inside.  Awwwwwww! what a lovely brother" liya said while smiling", eh eh before i forget,i have a good news" she said". what's that "ju-kyung asked curiously". did you win jackpot?" seon-kyung asked". It's more than that " liya replied".

  Drop this suspension and just tell us already " seon-kyung said". I got admitted to your school ju-kyung!!"liya shouted loudly". wowww! finally, our prayer has been answered " seon-kyung said mockingly as he hisses while rolling his eye ball in a rotation pattern". Liya face started turning red as smoke was removing from her ears,.... congratulation!!!!!"interrupted by seon-kyung as he shouted with a widely bright smile on his face in order to suppress her  anger". I will be going now , rest well and come to school when you are feeling okay  "Liya said as she stood to leave". I will go to school next week so, let's go together " ju-kyung said". okay " liya replied as she was waving her to her while leaving".okay,okay, leave already " seon-kyung said".........

The next day at school, kevin went to meet jenny and asked her" jenny, did ju-kyung come to school today". No she didn't "she replied".....

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       After a week, ju-kyung and liya both went to school together and as they got there, the students were all staring at them as they were slowly walking in, then jenny walked towards them then she said  worriedly "ju-kyung,what happened?, how are doing? are you alright?" she asked quickly. calm down! i'm alright! "ju-kyung shouted in respond". who is she" jenny asked ju-kyung". Hi, i'm  her best friend liya and i just got admitted."liya said". you are welcome "Jenny said". Why are they all staring? "Liya asked jenny". There's a rumor about you and the lions.

      The girl (kiara)who has crush on jae-min walks toward them. After reaching them, then she said "how dare you!(she shouted at ju-kyung). you low born life!, you are trying to seduce Lee jae-min and kevin and to make the fall apart,right!!!(she shouted angrily which attracts more student to stare at them).what are you talking about" ju-kyung asked with a calm voice". Don't try to act innocent"kiara said". yes, we have evidence " Michael said then he brought out his phone and ju-kyung saw a video of herself when both kevin and jae-min were arguing , while she was being held by them in their arms at the hospital then ju-kyung gasped in shock because she was unconscious while all that were happening at the hospital".what do you have to say about this? "Maya asked ju-kyung". It's not what you think" liya said".yes, it is not "jenny said". Kiara go furious as a surge of anger appears suddenly in her heart, she raised her hand to slap ju-kyung.

          As the slap was about to land on ju-kyung's  perfectly structurized beautiful, delicate smooth face, jae-min rushed quickly to the scene then stop kiara's hand in the midst of the air. Other students gasped surprisingly, is it true " student 33 said",did jae-min like her "student 56 said, so it's true "Samuel said". The students kept murmuring as kevin rushed to ju-kyung. Are you alright?" kevin asked worriedly ". How dare you try to slap her" jae-min shouted at kiara furiously". But she tried to ....." Michael said but was interrupted by jae-min". Delete the videos now! " jae-min yelled at michael ", are you now  spying on me now? " jae-min asked". Noo,he dare not " samuel said while backing michael". But the card game has not been completed yet " Maya said". As the leader of The Lions , I hereby canceled the card game!!! " jae-min shouted loudly ".
         What!!!!"kiara shouted shockingly". Liya was startled by the way kiara   screamed which made her cross-bag to fall down from her hand in shock as a  result , her expensive lip gloss which was  made specially for her perfectly structured pinkish red lips flew out of her cross-bag and rolled backward towards the staircase that leads down to first floor from fourth floor so she quickly ran after  it. Jung-suk walked toward michael  then grabbed his phone, deleted the evidence then he threw the phone away which made him frustrated then left  the scene angrily along with kiara. Was that not the girl who came with that bitch "Michael asked kiara".
      yes, she is , what's she doing? kiara asked Samuel". She's trying to take her lip gloss " samuel replied". let's play with her "Michael said as he was rubbing his hand while giggling scarily". let's push her off the stairs" kiara said as she giggles strangely". kiara walked towards liya who was struggling to pick up her lip gloss that was in between the staircase's bars then pushed liya aside to the left which made liya screamed in shock as she loses her balance as a result, she fell.........
                           To be continued......

A/N: pls feel free to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the  right. More will be up soon, thank u guys for reading

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