Chapter 7

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She then left quickly while jae-min was groaning in pain,Kevin ran after her and hugged ju-kyung from behind to comfort her,then she cries in between his hand while placing her head on his muscular chest after 61 seconds of crying, she snapped out of it then she raised her head up to see the guy's face that was hugging. After raising it  up she opened her eyes wide then found out it was kevin who was hugging her all along which made her more  upset. what!" she shouted as she pushed kevin away from her then she ran away quickly" while kevin was still trying to figure out what made her cried....

                          *            *             *             *

ju-kyung was going back to her class after eating at the cafeteria. As she entered, she saw group of students gathering in front of the board writing some things  on it. Samuel, she's here" Kiara said while laughing".

Ju-kyung walks towards the big whiteboard to see why they are all gathered and to see to Michael is writing. After reaching the board she stood and took a clear view at the board as she saw "KIM JU-KYUNG SUCKS!. JU-KYUNG IS AN UGLY HOBO, ROTTEN EGG!!!. YOU FUCKING BICTH STINKS!!!. WHY ARE YOU ALIVE, JU-KYUNG!!. GET LOST!. JU-KYUNG IS UNRECYCLABLE".

  Ju-kyung read the board as tears was dropping from her eyes then she quickly carried the duster and started rubbing off the quotes on the board as she was sobbing but unfortunately the comments were written with a black permanent marker. Who wrote all this?, i feel bad for the person being referred to " Kiara said as she was laughing softly", But if she can't take it.....(thuds)" kiara kicked a chair towards ju-kyung in which "JUST QUIT SCHOOL" is boldly written on it then the rest of the students  all laughed loudly at ju-kyung. As they were all laughing mr Nelson their class room teacher walks in.

How can you do this?!! How can i teach with this writings on the board?!, wipe it off!!! and go take a seat everyone of you "he said angrily while raising the tone of his deep voice". Time to split " kiara said to samuel and michael". Common let's go take a seat" samuel said".

Ju-kyung walked towards her seat as she and jenny both had eye contact. I'm sorry ju-kyung , i'm too scared to say anything , i don't want to be bullied by them also " jenny said in  her thought". As Ju-kyung sat on her seat, her phone beeped as a result of drum of messages that kept popping in the school's chat group.

Chat group;

that weed girl from class 6, Grade 2 created a scene with the  lions because she wanted a rich guy the...end!!!"kiara said in  the chat group".

chat group;

whattttt!!!,"michael said with a low voice ".what a low born life" he said". True. someone said her father sold his kidney to pay for his daughter's tuition fee because he wanted a rich son-in-law " student 101 said in the chat group". i heard she's rotten. She's been with more than 5 guys" student 68 texted".

Other students in class were all laughing loudly, some were even cursing her ,some gasped loudly while ju-kyung was reading those messages as they kept appearing in the chat group

chat group;

They said she had an abortion because she didn't know who the father was" michael texted". Guys, is she in this school's chat group also?" Samuel typed". And so?"kiara replied to samuel text then the 
Students all laughed". How many time have she had abortion?"student 12 texted"

Ju-kyung got furious and banged  the table  which made evey student  in the class startled by the sound. Mr. Nelson who was writing on  maths equation on the board was shocked  by the sound then he turned to see where the sound came from. As he turned back ,ju-kyung said with a loud voice rushy " can i go to the rest room ?, i'm feeling sick. I think i have morning sickness" ,she said while glaring at everyone in the class. you may leave "Mr.Nelson responded to her

Ju-kyung ran quickly to the rooftop to let out her anger  and to perform her usual habit which is to shout.  On getting there, she stood at the edge while holding the parapet . Jerrkss!!!, you spoilt rude brat!, fake news!!, so? what if i've been with 5 guys and got pregnant ?!! it's  my business then she continued screaming. after screaming she breathes in deeply and out and turned around suspiciously thinking that hope kevin is not at the corner. she felt relieved after not seeing him  at the corner he used to take nap ,but  suddenly, a voice from behind said.

What kind of person is  shouting thundery" a voice said behind her". She was shocked to hear the voice, so ,she slowly turned around to see . A fter turning around slowly , she slowly raise her eyes wide to see who's  voice it but it turned out to be .... "kevin!" she said in shock with a low voice . You are strange" kevin said while walking towards her". oh well, Even  jae-min got kicked at his dick by you " he said as he was getting closer to her". i was still caught in the moment" she said as she was also walking towards him". kevin smiled softly as he stood in of ju-kyung then she...."

                         To be continued...

A/N: pls  feel free to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is Kim ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the  right. More will be up soon, thank u for reading

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