Chapter 6

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Tae-won, who was walking towards  the elevator in order to enter it to the fourth floor where kevin and jae-min is before he  sighted a girl who seems to be struggling to pick something up that is stuck in between the staircase's bars as  kiara was majestically walking towards her while glaring at her then he decided to stop and take a look at what is going to happen.

     As he stopped he saw that the innocent looking girl was loosing her balance and will eventually going to fall as a result of her unstableness. Tae-won ran in a speed of light to the girl as the girl was losing her balance while screaming . While tae- won was in third floor climbing the stairs quickly, the  innocent looking girl lost her balance and as a result she fell while screaming which made the other student from both first floor and fourth floor to run to the scene quickly to see what's going on.

       The innocent girl screamed as she was falling while her body was tilting forward slowly as her long black ,well straighten, pinned,rampant,savage with loveliness hair flew forward and covered her face. As she was falling, tae-won jumped the staircase's bars and caught the girl in the midst of the air on his splendid characterized by delicacy, elegance, dazzling and charming arms while jumping.

wooahhhhh...!!the students screamed as they both landed while the cool wind from the air condition placed at the first floor hallway ran passed them which blew liya's long hair off her beautiful dazzling face and then she opened her eyes slowly and they both gazed at each other lovingly as she was still being held on her waist by tae-won's arms. Who is this brutally beautiful girl in between my arms, red fox of desires  with hallow fair silky skin as her beauty radiates like a fire full of passion  while her eyes dazzles with wonder as it shines like a night with thousand stars in the sky ,her long hair shinning like a night filled with thousand shooting stars in the sky , her set of dazzling, angel whiten teeth gleamed as she screams in fear" tae-won said in his thought".

    (gasped in excitement), it is Ahn tae-won , he is so handsome,his charming gold looking hair gleams with delight and flow with triumph as he eyes flickering with curiosity makes my heart skip while his curved shape eyebrows trembles my heart, look at his hawkish nose straightly directed to me, his eyees lighted up as a feast made for my eyes...(clears throat loudly)"liya said in her thought but was interrupted tae-won clearing his throat loudly". Are you alright?" tae-won asked". He is so handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expression of his voice  "Are you alright?" ..."she in her lost thought while smiling". Liya snapped out of her thought then sh said " thanks for saving me from falling down" , then she ran back to ju-kyung unknowingly that her lip gloss has fallen down. Tae-won picked up the her lip gloss and ran after her to give her.

    jae-min dragged ju-kyung away from the scene, Stop!" ju-kyung shouted at jae-min " .Get your hands of me!!, who are you to butt in my business ?! and why did you canceled the game?! " ju-kyung said angrily", I...j..just don't know what those kids in school might do to you! so, stop being stubborn and take this medicines in my hands " jae-min replied". I don't get it! " ju-kyung said angrily", do you now actually feel guilty deep down, is that why you are giving this to me out of pitifulness!! and try to negotiate with me instead of apologising to me, you did this! you are not fixing a problem by doing this " ju-kyung said".

    what!!" he shouted loudly", i',m not fixing a problem by doing this? Are you crazy? i'm just trying to, how does the saying goes again? "jae-min said". You mean quid pro quo ,Are you stupid? or you are just dumb? "ju-kyung asked". What! i'm just not fluent in English..., just take these things. Why are you making it hard?"he spoke while raising his voice". I don't want them!! You can take it back" ju-kyung said".

   No, take it " jae-min insisted". I said take them back!, i don't want anything from you! and remember  this, no matter how much money you have, you can never buy me!!!!! so, take them back "she said while hitting the medicines at his chest". What the hell are you saying?! You are making no sense" jae-min shouted". ju-kyung then walks away quickly and Jae-min walked after her while saying "take it!" as he holds ju-kyung's hand after catching   up to her.
Get your off me!!" ju-kyung screamed". I said ta.....uhh!"interrupted by ju-kyung as she kicked him at his d**k" .

    She then left quickly while jae-min was groaning in pain. As she  was running, Kevin ran after her and hugged her from behind to comfort her,then she cries in between his arms while placing her head on his muscular chest . When realizes that it was kevin she.......
                                       To be continued.............   

A/N: pls feel free to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the  right. More will be up soon, thank u guys for reading

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