Chapter 2

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As jenny stood up to place her leftover food at the trash bin, she bumped into The Lions and accidentally spilled the food on Lee jae-min's body including his shoes then the students all wheezed loudly.

"Assssh!...jae-min said as he was irritated".  jenny gasped in fear "oh my.., i'm sorry" she said in fear, please forgive me. I don't know you were coming, had i known i would have step aside"she said as  she kept begging while tears was dropping from her eyes as ju-kyung was still sitting on the chair  overhearing them because she doesn't want to butt in". Jae-min smiles coldly "what should i do to you now?"...he said as he walks towards jenny. Jenny was walking backward from jae-min in fear while saying "i will have your clothes cleaned along with your shoes and if the stain doesn't come off i will buy you a new pair".(chuckles) you will buy me a new pair? can you buy these?"jae-min said". Go easy on her jae-min, she's cute"Tae-won said".

(smiles softly) this shoes was made solely for me in China and it's the only pair in this world, so tell me how you want to buy me a new pair!!! hey!!(he shouted angrily).i'm....sorry (sobbing) please forgive me. I will wipe it off" jenny said". No! clean it with your tongue then i will forgive you. (he said as he was moving his left foot forward slowing) clean it now!Lick it! lick it! lick it! lick it!"students all chanting loudly".

Hey!!!( ju-kyung shouted as she hit table with her chopsticks on her right hand while standing up). She slowly turned around then  walked towards jae-min.hey?(he asked kyung).who the hell are you to boss people around!"ju-kyung said angrily", is it because your dad is the most influential person in this country?! she said sorry already and she is ready to have it cleaned or buy you a new pair ! what the hell is your problem!!(she shouted angrily)can't you forgive her ?
jae-min smirked softly as he was surprised. i will forgive your friend as per order if you can clean it with your tongue"he said in an intimidating way".No, ju-kyung don't, let me do it"jenny said".

Ju-kyung slowly getting on her kneel then she bent down to lick his shoe but on the process of doing that she took the leftover food on the floor and rubbed it on jae-min's face. uhhhh!!..."students all gasped loudly out of shock".this girl has some guts"kevin said to himself then he smiled "
ju-kyung : Now your face is the same colour as your shoes along with your clothes
Jae-min:hey!!!!!  how dare you!( ju-kyung grabbed jenny's hand turned around and walked away )
   Jae-min was irritated and pissed as ju-kyung and jenny were both leaving then he ......

                                              *               *               *
                     To be continued........

A/N: pls feel free   to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the  right. More will be up soon, thank u for reading

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