Chapter 4

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Jae-min got pissed as kim ju-kyung was shouting then he pushed her while saying " LET GO OF MY COLLAR !!!. Ju-kyung swung backward and hit her head on dozens of bricks laid on each other beside the container. Ju-kyung's head bleeds due to jae-min's push then she fell unconscious. Told you she's not going to survive "Michael said to Samuel". (chuckles) oh my!, she's bleeding!" jenny screamed in shock".

Noo!"Kevin shouted in shock". He ran quickly to her and laid her on his arms as his expressions felt in sadness,care and fear which was unusual making other students most especially the girls shocked and surprised. Jae-min also rushed to her feeling regretful and helped kevin in carrying her fairly silky skin which made kiara and maya surprised and angry then they started taking pictures as kevin and jae-min was leaving the scene to the shchool 's hospital why carrying ju-kyung.

kiara posted the pictures with a rumour that "Kevin and Jae-min care for the victim of the game" because such thing has never happen before....

* * * *

When ju-kyung woke up from her unconsciousness, she was merged with two handsome guys, one at the right which was Kevin holding her hand with his soft moisturised palm while on the left was Jae-min also holding her hand with his handsome structured palm. Wait!what!!" ju-kyung snapped out of her delusion and a surge of anger filled her heart as she opened her eyes to see clearly.

She struggled to get up angrily removing the intravenous drip inserted in her on her fair delicate,silky,smooth skin and her long brown hair moving with the motion of her body while she tried to rush out but was unstable. "Ju-kyung please stop!"the guys said as they tried to stop her but they couldn't as she was running toward the exit of the hosppital. Due to her unstableness and lack of strength, she got dizzy and lost her balance then falls slowly towards the back.

Ju-kyung was fortunately held by both guys as she was falling unconscious again. Kevin and Jae-min gazed at each other take a look at the beautiful and structurally perfect created girl on their handsome arms. I will take her in "kevin said".No, let me, i owe her.." jae-min responded". A nurse who was passing by saw both handsome perfect looking guys arguing with a girl on their arms then decided to take control. Don't worry guys, i will take her in " Nurse Sophie said" ,then she took ju-kyung away from them. After ju-kyung is being taken away,the guys both glared at each other. Why did you do that? "kevin asked jae-min trying to suppress his anger ".I should be asking you that! wasn't i supposed to take on the responsibility, so, what does it have to do with you kevin!!" Jae-min replied". Ohhh!, now you know that.

What about when you placed a card in her locker"kevin said". I know i was wrong but i was just too furious about her confronting me "jae-min spoke". Did you just apologised " kevin asked".well....." jae-min responded as hesitated knowing he just did what he has never done before that is apologising to others,then he left". Kevin felt afraid of something which was not explainable in jae-min's feelings for ju-kyung, then once again the fear surges to his heart but he quickly pushed out the thought..........

* * * *
Around noon, jae-min and the rest of his gang went to the hospital to check on ju-kyung. Reaching the room, they found the intravenous drip with a tip drop of blood on the floor and the drip scattered around the intravenous' stander and the coffee table disheveled which means that the patient wasn't stable,talking of the patient there was no one the sick bed....

To be continued..........

A/N: pls feel free to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the right. More will be up soon, thank u for reading

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