Chapter 8

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". oh well, Even  jae-min got kicked at his dick by you " he said as he was getting closer to her". i was still caught in the moment" she said as she was also walking towards him". kevin smiled softly as he stood in of ju-kyung then she also smiled along  also.

Kevin, i haven't thanked you for your help the other day at the abandon stadium " she said with a calm voice", THANK YOU" she said then ran away immediately". Kevin chuckles softly has he was rubbing the back of his hair with his smile then he said with a bright smile on his face" You're welcome".

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*At the grocery store*

ju-kyung  was  siting down on a sofa when liya went to sit beside her.

What happened to you ju-kyung?"liya asked when she saw her sittng alone while putting on a long face". Nothing, it's just that kevin spoke to me today and he even smiled " ju-kyung replied as she was wondering why he spoke and even smiled to her". That guy who helped you the other day, is he not a member of The lions? so why did he talked to you? " liya asked curiously in a flash".

He is but....."ju-kyung hesitated", i don't think he's like the others" ju-kyung responded". Hmmm...okay" liya as was smiling ". I don't know .....the way he thinks is different "ju-kyung said ". I almost died today " liya said". What!" ju-kyung screamed".

I almost fell to death from the stairs today" liya said". How come?, are you alright?" ju-kyung asked worriedly as she was checking her body to see if she have any wound". That girl kiara, who has crush on Lee jae-min pushed me off the stairs but Tae-won......"she said as she suddenly recap the beautiful moment of them together from when she was falling slowing as if the time stopped for her  to the part where Tae-won caught her in between his perfect structured arms as they both gazed at each other lovingly".

Liya, liya!, Kang Liyaaa!!!" ju-kyung shouted which made liya snapped out of her beautiful delusion". Oh...yes" liya responded". Tae-won what?" ju-kyung asked". He saved me from falling down by catching me in the midst of the air as i was falling which was sooo romantic " she replied as she was smiling broadly".

Did you talk to him" Ju-kyung asked". After what they have done to you , i should talk to him, oh please" she replied as was rolling her eye balls", i just thank him and left quickly, but he's so fuckimg handsome" liya said".

What are you guys talking about? " uncle Raymond as he walked to them asked". Is it a kiss? If it's a kiss, guys you can't joke with this stuff cos I mind that. The first kiss...."he said as he was being swayed by the feeling of the kiss while crossing his two hands over his shoulder", The first kiss is very crucial to you girls but...."interrupted"

You mind about kissing, uncle? "Liya asked". yes of course " he replied", because the first kiss is important, because there can only be one and the first time you kiss will change your world " he continued speaking as he was being smitten by the kiss",it will be so satisfying...., so sweet..." he continued as he was imagining the kiss", it will be .......(interrupted as liya said)

Have you ever kiss before?", Not yet " he answered quickly then the girls both laughed  ". Wait, what!" he shouted as he snapped out of his imagination". How did you get into this topic?"he asked as he was feeling embarrassed". Go back to work now !! " he shouted as the girl was laughing at him".

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At the school


To be continued.....

A/N: pls  feel free guys to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is Kim ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the  right. More will be up soon, thank u for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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