Chapter 3

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Jae-min was irritated and pissed as ju-kyung and jenny were both leaving, go wash away the filth from your face "jung-suk said as he was laughing softly along with Kevin and tae-won". I'm tired i need to take a nap "Kevin said to Tae-won and jun-suk as jae-min left to wash off the filth on his face". okay bro "tae-won replied".

Kevin left to find a quiet place to stay in order to take some nap. After a while ju-kyung ran up to rooftop to scream as usual. aaaah....!!!!!! yeaaaahh!!! finalllyyyy!!!! "ju-kyung screamed then she took in a deep breath and out". I should have poke that food into that mouth of his that look like the private part of monkey! but anyway that serves him right, beca....(yawns)"interrupted by a student yawning".

who's there?"ju-kyung asked".ju-kyung got curious then she walked to the left side to see who was at the corner, on getting there as she walks quietly she opened her eyes widely to check who student is and it turned out to be......"(gasped) Kevin?"she said to herself with a low voice". Are you not done yet?"kevin asked" .Wh....what are you doing here,how long have you been here? "she asked". I've been here taking a nap before you came and woke me up with your loud voice" Kevin reply". Ehm.... (stammering) sorry!"ju-kyung said as she left in a hurry".so cute" Kevin said to himself softly with a bright smile on his face as ju-kyung was leaving".

* * * *

At the Grocery store
ju-kyung and Liya were both arranging the products that was just delivered by the supplier when Liya asked ju-kyung "eh eh ,what happened in school today tell me?". Ju-kyung explained everything that happened between her and The Lions. Whatt!!"liya shouted". You did that to his exquisite eye-catching stunning looking face ?! "liya asked".handsome? as if "ju-kyung replied as she was rolling her eyes". wowwww! (claps), wow! what a brave girl you are !,then what did Jae-min do to you after you rubbed the leftover all over his face? "liya asked" Yes, tell us, what did he say? "uncle ray said". I didn't wait to hear what he has to say because i was to the extent that i almost hit him "ju-kyung replied".

woww! like seriously? "liya asked". You and that your temper eh, You know their background is different from yours so, you need to be careful around him in order not to fall into victim of their game" uncle ray said to ju-kyung". okay boss "she replied". That's all for today, you guys should go home now" uncle ray said". goodnight!, Byeee....."ju-kyung and liya shouted as they were the store while waving their hands".

* * * *
At ju-kyung's house
As ju-kyung got home she went to the kitchen to carry her food. Guess what i brought home ju-kyung " said Mr kim". Is it deep grilled pork belly from that newly open restaurant?! "Seon-kyung asked in excitement". yes it is come and carry it. rubbish!"Ju-kyung said as she smacked seon-kyung's head".

Honey ,tell us what's it that you bought already "Mrs kim asked curiously".it is the new the new textbook and AI Scientific Calculator that just arrive in Korea from USA i bought "Mr Kim said".Seon-kyung hissed loudly as ju-kyung screeched loudly out of excitement, thanks dad! Ju-kyung shouted". (hiss) rubbish (seon-kyung said quietly unkowningly that ju-kyung heard him".ahhh! "seon kyung groans in pain as ju-kyung suddenly kicked his leg".

Thanks for this stuffs dad, it's this type of calculator I've always wanted"ju-kyung said". Honey, how much did you buy them? "Mrs kim asked mr kim". i bought both 50,000 won each "mr kim replied". WHAT THE FUCK! 100,000 won for both!"seon-kyung shouted". awwwwww! thanks dad "ju-kyung said"..........

* * * *
The next day

Kim ju-kyung got to the school then she decided to walk towards her locker to place her newly bought textbook along with the calculator in bag into the locker. On getting ,she opened her locker then found out that something was hung in her locker.

She decided to raise her head to see what it is and it turned out to be a black card with a lions logo attached along with a note written on it " GAME ON". She gasped in shocked then she took it and squeeze it as Kiara who happens to be passing by saw the card decided to take snap ju-kyung holding the card without her notice. Kiara snapped then sent it to the chat group. In a blink of eye, bunch of messages appeared on everyone's phone in the chat group.

chat group messages;
student 1: woahhhh,she's the first girl to receive a card
student 44: let's how long that bicth can last, lol
Kiara : she's not going to survive
Ju-kyung slammed her locker out of anger then ran as kiara was still videoing her

chat group;
Kiara : she's running away
student 56: where did she think she's going
Maya : she can't escape no matter where she goes
student 16: true
student 23: GAME'S ON !!!!!!guys

ju-kyung got to her classroom the she said to teacher " i'm having a headache, may i go to the infirmary!?thank you!" and left immediately without hearing the teacher's reply. As she was running away, she had an eye contact with jenny then decided to stop running. As she stopped, she stood 20 meters away from jenny who seems not to care about what's going on, then ju-kyung was drenched by a bucket of water thrown on her from above. ju-kyung wheezed loudly in shock then raised her head to see who it was that poured the dirty water on her and it turned out to be Kiara.

Oops! sorryyy...."Kiara said as she was laughing loudly along with her best friend Maya. Jenny pretends not to see her then she walked away. ju-kyung who was about to run away got carried from behind by two boys (Michael and Samuel) to the abandoned stadium. On getting there, ju-kyung still struggling to set herself free but couldn't then she decided to kick Samuel who was carrying her at her leg.

Ju-kyung kicked Samuel at his stomach which made him tripped on a stone behind him then he fell on the ground along with ju-kyung, ju-kyung groans in pain as she stood up to run but Michael set his right leg in front of her, as a result she fell down. Michael dragged her inside the stadium forcefully by pulling her hair then he threw her inside onto the ground which made her new AI calculator along with her textbook inside her backpack that she carried flew out and rolled forward.ju-kyung stretched her right hand while crawling towards her calculator to pick it up as she was crying while bleeding at her elbow.

As ju-kyung was about to pick her calculator Jae-min stepped on it. Give me back! "ju-kyung shouted". Jae-min stretched the calculator toward ju-kyung "stand up to your feet and collect" he said as the rest of The Lion were walking in then Ju-kyung stoop up, walked toward him. ju-kyung stood in front of him as she was about to grab the calculator Jae-min raised it up. Wooooahhhhh......!!!!!!!!!!!"the students shouted".

Isn't this trash? while are you playing with it? trash needs to be properly disposed of and placed correctly,it's an eyesore" jae-min said as he was staring at ju-kyung with the calculator raised ".He threw the AI calculator inside a container full of refuse water which made ju-kyung cried. Kevin wanted to stop jae-min but jung-suk grabbed his hand to stop him from interfering. ju-kyung slowly walked towards the container.

As she got there, she put her right hand inside and carried out her calculator. She raised it up then water started dripping from the calculator....eeewwwww.....!!!!!!!!!! " the student screamed at her as kevin kept staring".

Jae-min walked towards her while saying " Hey, are you going to used that trash.......uhhhh! interrupted as ju-kyung turned around and kicked him at his stomach as a result, he back flipped onto the dirty water on the ground ground which made the student wheezed in shock along with the rest of the lions".Kevin stared at the angry girl figuring what to do to calm her down then he thought of a plan" hey!!" he shouted "what do you think you are doing?!!"trying to put on a serious look". Ju-kyung looked at Kevin with a really funny look and said " i'm not one of those girls who get frightened with your screams".

Kevin and his other gangs looked at ju-kyung in surprise and they were amazed. ju-kyung grabbed jae-min by his collar on the ground then she said as she was crying " what you want to see is me giving up to you, right?!but no! i will never give up especially not to a spoilt rude brat like you!" from now on i will fight whatever you do!!!". Jae-min got pissed as kim ju-kyung was shouting then he pushed her while saying " LET GO OF MY COLLAR !!!. Ju-kyung swung backward and hit her head on dozens of bricks laid on each other beside the container. Ju-kyung head bleeds due to jae-min's push then she fell unconscious.......

To be continued...........

A/N: pls feel free to tell me about any spelling errors!! On the cover is ju-kyung between Lee jae-min at the left and Leonard kevin at the right. More will be up soon, thank u for reading

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