501st goes to Costco

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I'm deprived of sleep and on my period and exhausted and bleeding and tired and did I mention I want to sleep?

So enjoy whatever it is I just wrote.

It short and fluffy.

"Alright, men!" Captain Rex sharply said as he drove. "We need to be efficient! Accurate and quick, understood?"

"Understood, sir!" his soldiers shouted back.

"Good!" Rex's shoulder slumped. "Alright Kix, you push the buggy. I don't want Fives doing it again."

"Does that mean I get to ride in the cart?" Fives excitedly asked.

"No. You'll go with Echo and get the milk," Rex ordered. "And Jesse, don't try on all the glasses again. You broke some last time."

"Can I get the chips?" Hardcase eagerly asked.

"No. I don't want you climbing the shelves again." Rex tiredly pinched the bridge of his nose. "General, remind him what occurred the last time, if you will."

"Hey! I tried to stop him!" Anakin crossed his arms.

"You climbed the shelves too!" Ahsoka exclaimed. "You brought down the whole thing and nearly killed me!"

"We've arrived," Fives breathed out, pressing his face to the window.

They all piled out of the minivan and stood in front of Costco. Kix grabbed the cart and rejoined them.

"This thing is massive," Echo said as they walked inside.

Rex gave Hardcase the shopping list. "Alright everyone, split up! We'll cover more ground that way!"

Everyone nodded and jogged in separate directions.

"Master, are you sure we need an expression machine?" Ahsoka skeptically asked.

Anakin lifted it above his head, cackling. "We don't need it, but think about how fast it would brew!"

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, but followed him as he put it in the cart. Kix was too busy scolding Jesse for hiding in a garden shed to notice.

"You're scary after you drink caffeine," Ahsoka told Anakin. "You get hyper."

"Like you're any better after a mug of caf." Anakin snorted.

"Fives! Rex told you not to take all the samples!" Echo groaned as Fives carried them in his arms.

"But they're free!" Fives stuffed a meatball into Echo's mouth. "And it's so good!"

Echo's eyes widened, surprised by how tasty it actually was. "Wow."

"I know, right?" Fives grinned smugly. "Do you think Rex would let us get some?"

Echo swallowed before saying, "We could sneak a box into the cart."

Jesse giggled as he pressed the button again. 

"Mama!" the toy shrieked.

Jesse fell over laughing. "Hardcase! Have you seen this thing?"

Hardcase shuffled over, staring at the baby doll in horror. "That thing is creepy."

The toy's eyelids fluttered. "Change me!" 

"We could hide this in Rex's room! Imagine it!" Jesse held out the doll. "It would drive him insane!"

"How'd we get it?" Hardcase wondered.

"We'd just hide it in the cart." Jesse shrugged. "It's do full anyway, no one would notice."

Hardcase nodded. "Let's do it."

Kix knew he shouldn't... but it was so tempting.

And besides... no one would find out.

So Kix quickly put the bag of chocolate bars in the cart, hidden beneath the broccoli.

"Alright, we finally did it." Rex let out a sigh of relief. "And it only cost us- What in the galaxy? This was so expensive!" He gazed at the receipt in horror.

"What?" Anakin innocently asked. "Is something wrong?"

"None of this was on the shopping list." Rex looked at the others accusingly. "Does anyone have something to say?"

"I'm sorry!" Ahsoka immediately said. "I shouldn't have met him get the expression machine!"

"And I shouldn't have let Fives get those meatballs," Echo announced. "I was a fool to fall for the free samples."

"It was immature to get that toy to trick you with," Jesse admitted.

"Yeah," Hardcase agreed. "Even though it would've been hilarious."

"I was planning to share the chocolate," Kix lied.

Rex shook his head as they all put the groceries away. He sighed and returned to his office.

And he pulled out his new sweatshirt and sweatpants that might've cost a bit more than he was willing to admit.

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