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Requested by Zelda_Story_Teller

Tw: Blood and slight medical gore, death.

"Hunter!" Omega screamed. She managed to shoot their opponent, clearing the area.

He has been shot, falling to the ground next to her. His blaster landed next to him, and Omega was immediately at his side, tears running down her face.

Why hasn't he been wearing his armour? They had been on vacation, but only if he had had protection!

"Hunter's been shot!" Omega reported over her comm, trying to remember what Tech had instructed her to do in a case like this.

"We'll try to help, but we're currently under fire as well." Tech's voice remained level in his response, but Omega knew him well enough to know he was worried. "Keep him alive until we arrive."

Omega threw the comm to the side and took her jacket off, pressing it to Hunter's torso. "Hunter! Hunter, can you hear me?"

Hunter just groaned, eyes fluttering open. "Omega?"

Omega put as much pressure as she could against the wound. "I think part of it burned. But it's still bleeding."

His eyes slid shut again.

"No! Hunter! Stay awake!" Omega desperately said.

Hunter made a noncommittal sound and tried to lift his head, before letting it thunk back down.

"It's gonna be okay." Omega wasn't sure if she believed it. Her stomach sank with how pale he appeared. "The other are going to get here. They'll be here soon."

So they watched the sky together, searching for the Havoc Marauder.

Yet it never arrived.

So Omega felt like she would break down. She was already crying, but she felt like the dam hadn't broken quite yet.

"It's okay," Hunter muttered, looking up at her with glassy eyes.

And that made Omega cry even harder, because even when he was so close to death, he still tried to comfort her. 

"How do you know what?" Omega hiccuped.

Before Hunter could answer, his chest stilled.

"Omega." Tech was suddenly at her side, and she didn't remember the others landing. His hand was on her shoulder, and she was shaking. "Omega, step back."

Crosshair pulled Omega away, cradling her to his chest. She was bawling and buried her face against him, unable to look at Hunter anymore.

"Omega," Wrecker said, patting her on the head. He seemed unsure of how to comfort her. "We'll be okay."

Tech was pumping on Hunter's chest, shouting orders to Echo. He had furious tears leaking from his eyes and was muttering phrases under his breath.

"Hunter," Omega whispered, clutching Crosshair harder.

Then Tech sat back on his heels, holding his ear over Hunter's mouth. After a moment passed he returned to his chest compressions, pausing enough for Echo to stab Hunter with a stim.

"Crosshair, please escort Omega out of here. I need to focus." Tech didn't glance over, checking for a pulse.

Crosshair nodded and lifted Omega up, carrying her away. She was still crying into him, weakly calling out Hunter's name.

She could hear their whispers.

How was she supposed to sleep after all that? 

She was awake, and so were they. She was silent, they were not.

Echo's voice was the loudest. "What are we going to tell her?" 

Tech's voice was more hushed, but strained. "We'll tell her the truth. It's what she deserves."

Wrecker's voice was angry. "Don't blame the kid for this. It's not her fault."

Crosshair's voice was the quietest. "I'll tell her."

She could hear shuffling, so she gave up the act of pretending to sleep. She sat up and hung her legs over the side of the bunk. 

"So I guess you heard us, huh?" Echo grimaced.

Omega nodded.

"Listen," Crosshair crouched, "it's not your fault."

"I could've saved him," Omega croaked.

Tech's eyebrows went up. "Oh. That is what this is about."

"Hunter's fine. Tech saved him." Crosshair grinned at Tech fondly. "We needed to talk to you about something else. The ones who attacked you were bounty hunters. They were after you."

Omega felt an enormous weight lift off her shoulders. "So Hunter's not dead?"

"Ya did great! You kept him alive long enough for Tech!" Wrecker patted her on the back. "We need ta deal with those hunters, though." 

"Can I see him?" Omega requested.

Tech nodded. "You may. Be gentle, though."

Omega was ushered over to Hunter's bunk, and the blankets were peeled back so she could see his face. She sniffled.

"I'm gonna be fine," Hunter slurred. "Tech's gigginging me painkillers."

"He means I've been given him painkillers," Tech translated. "He'll make a full recovery."

Omega fell asleep on the floor next to Hunter's bunk, hand clasped in his.

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