Chapter 8

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Monday morning dawned with the promise of a new week, yet for Arie, the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air. As she entered the empty classroom, she found herself drawn once again to Sky's side, their silent companionship a testament to the unspoken bond that bound them together.

As they sat there, enveloped in a cocoon of quietude, Arie's thoughts raced like wildfire, her mind consumed by doubts and insecurities. Was Theo's revelation true, or had it been nothing more than a passing jest? Did Sky truly harbor feelings for her, or was she simply projecting her own desires onto a blank canvas of hope?

Before she could dwell further on her doubts, Sky cleared his throat, his intent to speak evident in the furrow of his brow. But before he could utter a single word, Arie found herself seizing the opportunity to confront him, her words tumbling out in a torrent of emotion.

"You want to know on whom I have a crush on," she interjected, her voice tinged with a mixture of nervousness and determination.

Sky's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks flushing crimson as he struggled to process her words. For a moment, he was transported back to a time when Arie's compliments would leave him speechless, his face a canvas of embarrassment and affection.

But before he could respond, Arie launched into a poetic tirade, her words a symphony of longing and uncertainty. With each verse, she peeled back the layers of her heart, exposing the raw vulnerability that lay beneath.

As she reached the crescendo of her confession, Sky's face reddened even further, his own emotions mirrored in the depths of his gaze. And when she finally fell silent, her heart laid bare for all to see, he struggled to find the right words to respond.

"No worries, sometimes mistakes happen," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Arie's heart sank at his words, her hopes dashed against the rocks of uncertainty. In that moment, she felt the sting of rejection like a knife to the heart, her world crumbling around her.

Without a word, she rose from her seat, her eyes downcast as she made her way to the door. But before she could escape, Sky's voice called out to her, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"Arie, wait," he pleaded, his voice filled with urgency and regret.

But she couldn't bear to face him, not when the wounds of rejection still felt so fresh. And so, she fled from the classroom, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams and unspoken words.

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