Chapter 24

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With each passing day, Arie found herself gradually adjusting to life without Sky by her side. She immersed herself in her studies, her sports, and her friendships, each activity serving as a welcome distraction from the ache of his absence.

But even as she forged ahead on her own path, Arie could not shake the lingering sense of emptiness that lingered in the corners of her heart. The laughter of her friends, the cheers of the crowd at her sports events—they all seemed to echo with a hollow ring, a reminder of the void that Sky had left behind.

Yet amidst the loneliness, there was also a newfound sense of independence—a realization that she was capable of standing on her own two feet, even in the absence of the one she loved. She threw herself into her pursuits with a renewed vigor, determined to carve out a life for herself that was wholly her own.

And though she missed Sky with every fiber of her being, Arie refused to let his absence define her. She embraced the freedom that came with living life on her own terms, relishing the opportunity to explore new passions and chase her dreams with unwavering determination.

But even as she embraced her newfound independence, there was one ritual that remained unchanged—a small, whispered confession that she uttered each night before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you, Sky," she would murmur into the darkness, the words a silent prayer that carried across the miles to wherever he may be. And though he was far from her side, Arie took comfort in the knowledge that their love transcended distance and time, a bond that could never be broken, no matter the obstacles they faced.

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