Chapter 19 (new beginning)

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As Arie sat in her biology class, she made a conscious effort to focus on the lesson at hand, determined to keep her thoughts from drifting to Sky. She listened attentively as her favorite teacher delivered the lecture, her voice a soothing melody that washed over the classroom.

But despite her best efforts, Arie found herself unable to shake the memories of Sky that lingered in the corners of her mind. With each passing moment, his image flickered before her eyes, a constant reminder of the love they shared and the pain of their separation.

As she absentmindedly twirled the jhumkas dangling from her ears and traced the intricate pattern of the bracelet adorning her wrist, Arie felt a pang of longing deep within her soul. These simple trinkets, gifted to her by Sky, served as tangible reminders of their connection—a connection that transcended time and space.

Lost in her thoughts, Arie failed to notice the concerned glances cast her way by her classmates and teacher alike. It was only when her benchmate reached out and gently touched her arm that she snapped back to reality, her gaze darting around the room in confusion.

"Are you alright, Arie?" her teacher's voice cut through the haze of her thoughts, filled with genuine concern.

Blinking back the remnants of her reverie, Arie nodded hastily, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm fine, just lost in thought," she murmured, hoping to deflect any further attention.

But her teacher wasn't so easily convinced. With a furrowed brow, she approached Arie, her eyes searching her face for signs of distress. "Are you sure? You seemed...distracted," she pressed gently.

Arie hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to divulge. But as she met her teacher's gaze, she saw in them a kindness and understanding that warmed her heart. And so, with a sigh, she relented, allowing the weight of her burdens to spill forth.

"It's nothing, really," she began, her voice soft and hesitant. "Just...personal stuff."

Her teacher nodded understandingly, her expression one of empathy. "I see," she replied, her tone gentle. "Well, just know that I'm here if you ever need to talk. Sometimes, it helps to share our burdens with others."

With a grateful smile, Arie thanked her teacher for her kindness before gathering her things and making her way out of the classroom. And as she stepped into the cool embrace of the afternoon air, she felt a sense of relief wash over her—a reminder that even in her darkest moments, she was never truly alone.

**Friends in Need**

As Arie made her way through the bustling corridors of the school, she was greeted by the familiar faces of her classmates and friends. Vendy and Andy, her closest confidantes, fell into step beside her, their cheerful chatter filling the air.

"Hey, Arie! You seemed a bit out of it in biology class. Everything okay?" Vendy asked, her brow furrowed with concern.

Arie offered them a reassuring smile, though her heart felt heavy with the weight of her worries. "Yeah, just had a lot on my mind," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of weariness.

But Vendy and Andy were not so easily dissuaded. Sensing their friend's distress, they exchanged a knowing glance before launching into a flurry of lighthearted banter and playful antics, determined to lift Arie's spirits.

With each joke and jibe, Arie felt the corners of her mouth twitching upwards in spite of herself. Despite the turmoil that churned within her, she couldn't help but be buoyed by the infectious energy of her friends, their unwavering support serving as a beacon of light in the darkness.

And as they made their way to their next class, Arie found herself laughing and joking alongside them, the weight of her worries momentarily forgotten in the warmth of their friendship. For in moments like these, she knew that she was not alone—that no matter what trials lay ahead, she could always count on Vendy and Andy to be by her side, ready to lift her up when she faltered.

With a grateful heart, Arie thanked her friends for their kindness as they parted ways, their laughter echoing in her ears long after they had gone. And as she made her way to her next class, she carried with her the knowledge that even in the darkest of times, there would always be a light to guide her home.

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