C H A P T E R 1 / Marianne's POV

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Moving away from where you've lived for your entire life is really hard. Considering the fact you are leaving your loved ones behind. Other kids my age would be crying and begging their parents not to go because of how much they love their home but for me, it was a literal dream come true. I was practically grinning the entire time my madre was crying to my family about how much she was gonna miss them. The sight of the kids playing outside their houses brings back memories of when I used to do that. That was all before I became what I am now. Now, I'm just a rebellious monster. I mean, I got held back thrice and even beat up a chick because she thought I was tryna steal her man.

Lets just say, she ended up with four casts on her body and two knocked out teeth. We arrived in a small town called Denver. It was six in the morning so that meant I was going to school today. Hurray! I stepped out of the parked car and gathered all of my stuff from the trunk and brought it into my room. I decorated my walls with band posters and wallpapers with my favourite movie quotes. I set up my bed, drawers and TV. I hung up all my clothes in my new closet and organised all of my bathroom essentials in the bathroom.

I felt accomplished at my work and I plopped down on my bed. Taking a deep breath in and out as the silence lurked around my room. A couple of minutes later, my madre came barging into my room. I tiredly opened my eyes and looked at her. "Hurry up and get ready, you have school." She slammed my door shut, probably tumbling down the stairs. I flipped her off and buried my face into my arms, sighing. I don't want to go to school, but I have to. I get up and stroll over to my closet, grabbing the first clothes that caught my eyes, throwing them on without hesitation.

https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/563018695900007/ (im sorry if u can't press on it)

Once I was changed, I put on some random jewellery and my papa's dog tag. My papa had died in war a couple of years ago and when he did the Captain had to deliver his dog tag to us. That day was heartbreaking, but I got over it a few months later. Anyways, I chucked on my Converse, applied mascara to my lashes and some balm to my lips. I brushed out my hair and did a half up and half down hairstyle. I wasn't the type to pretty myself up for school or even consider myself pretty, but hey! Begger's can't be choosers. I quickly grabbed all of my books and threw them inside my bag. I ran downstairs and ran out the door, slamming it behind me.

The early morning wind blew past my face as I walked into the direction of my new school. My madre navigated me towards the school earlier on so that I knew where to go. On my way to school, the sound of a bunch of kids chanting 'fight' could be heard from on my left out on the street. I sped around the fence towards the sound. Ahead of me were a crowd of kids around the age of thirteen to nineteen standing around two boys. One of them was bigger than the other.

The biggest one was a fella who looked nineteen, had curly brown hair and was wearing a striped grey and black shirt with a brown hood. The other boy looked around my age, seventeen. He had brown shoulder length hair, a black bandana on, a brown Cheech-Chong shirt and blue Boot Cut Flared jeans. I approached the big crowd and leaned against the fence, watching the fight unfold. "You think you're so tough, huh?" The dude with the curly hair says. "Let's find out. I will pound you. Like a nail. You scrawny little beaner." I clench my jaw and squint my eyes when this cabrón says that. The hell does he think he is? "Then do it. Unless you're scared." The cabrón swings at him but the boy with the bandana ducks and punches him in the gut with his bag. He throws it aside and roundhouse kicks him in the face. Gasps and cheers come from the crowd as the cabrón gets into a headlock by the bandana boy. He then flips him over his shoulder and onto the ground. The crowd goes silent as the bandana boy gets on top of him. Punch, gasps, punch, more gasps. The more he threw a punch at the cabrón' s face, the more the crowd would get hyped up. He blew one more punch to the cabrón's face and the crowd 'awe-d' in sync. I chuckled to myself at how impressive that fight was and turned my back to the crowd, walking into the opposite direction.

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