C H A P T E R 2 / Marianne's POV

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I woke up the next morning to hear my madre and her bald headed cunt of a partner screaming their heads off at each other. I swear they're bipolar or some shit. One minute they're having the bed creaking and each other moaning up a storm, and then they're screaming at each other to kill each other the next. I groan and pull the pillow over my head. Then, the alarm went off, making me groan once again and reach over my bed to grab it, throwing it across the room to make it shut up. I sigh and swallow down my dry throat, sitting up and cracking my tense neck muscle. I got up from my warm covers and approached drawers, picking out some nice clothes to wear, but also clothes that would be comfortable for the six hours of bullshit soon to come.


Once I was changed, I approached my mirror and began to brush out my tangled hair, a sigh leaving my lips as I stared at my half brushed out side of my head and the unbrushed side of my head. It took time but I got it. I decided that I would leave my natural waves out today and not just throw it into a ponytail like I usually do. I applied mascara to my lashes and ran some lip balm across my lips, rubbing my lips together to spread the balm. I grabbed my black bomber and bag and walked out of my room. Walking down the stairs, I ignored and walked past the now quiet and making out couple on the couch. I shut the house door behind me and began to walk towards the school awaiting for my arrival.

As soon as I walked through the doors to the school hallway, the bell rang, indicating that the first period was about to start. I pushed past crowds of people to walk towards my class and just as I walked through the classroom door, everyone in that subject began to come in and flood the classroom. I rolled my eyes and walked towards my assigned seat, sitting down in it with a small sigh leaving my lips. A few minutes went by and the teacher finally came and started our session. The teacher told us that we could write down some notes about the layers of the earth. I wasn't listening, as usual, so I just wrote down random stuff. The bell had rung and everyone in class packed their stuff, and left for lunch.

As I put my stuff in my locker, I felt a presence behind me. "Hey Gwen. What's up?" I ask as I close my locker door. "Oh, I was coming to ask if you would like to sit with us for lunch." I looked at her while locking my locker and nodded. "Yeah sure. Why not?" I smiled at her and we started our way to the cafeteria. When we got there, there was a long ass line. I groaned in annoyance and Gwen looked down. "Oh man, I was really hungry. Meh, it's fine, I'll survive." I looked at her and could clearly see she was hungry. Ahead of me was a vending machine. "C'mon."

I tell Gwen and grab her hand. I stopped at the vending machine and I asked her what she wanted. "Oh no. Marianne you really don't need to, I'm fine." Gwen reassured me, but I didn't care. "I do not care, Gwen. You are going to pick something from this machine right now." I protested. Gwen gave in and picked two packs of biscuits and chips with a soda. I brought it and gave it to her. "Mari, you really didn't have to."

I looked at Gwen and gave her a side smile. "No Gwen. You have to eat and I don't care if you tell me otherwise." I gave her a pat on the shoulder as we made it to our table. We sat down and she started to eat as for myself, I just sat and listened to what she had to say. Gwen talked for a while until Robin and Finn came and sat down with us. The seating arrangement was Finn, Me, Robin and then Gwen. We were chatting about The Partridge Family until I noticed Finn was looking over at a different table.

I followed his eyes and they landed on a girl with a flowery dress and shoulder length hair that was clipped back. I looked back at Finn who was already looking at me. I smirked and winked at him. He shook his head and I nodded mine. I got up and he grabbed my waist, pulling me back down onto my seat. He covered my mouth. "Mmmph - mphffph! Youph muphfuff fuphur!" I screamed into Finn's hand as Robin and Gwen laughed. I poked his side with my finger which made him flinch and laugh. "You're an asshole, Finn." I say as I chuckle. "Wow, I love you too." Robin and Gwen just laughed even more. "You act as if someone is trying to steal you away." Robin said as the others nodded in agreement. "Whatever. If I was getting kidnapped, would you miss me?" I question as I fold my arms over my chest. "Pfft. No" Robin said as my jaw dropped.

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