C H A P T E R 10

17 0 0

Robin's POV

I began to whimper and let out broken cries as I brought my hands up to my face, my cheeks becoming cold with my non stop tears of pain. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want to seem weak, but I just couldn't help it. I needed to get all of this shit off my shoulders, because I knew if I didn't, I would forever live with the torment, the agony. I would've thought that Mari would look at me like I was some pussy for crying in front of her, but instead, I felt the very familiar arms wrap around me as she shushed me. I turned to face Mari as I grabbed at her shoulder, letting it all out as she rested her cheek against my head. I sniffled into the fabric of her leather jacket, small shaky breaths escaping my mouth.

I felt Mari's fingers combing through my hair and I flinched, remembering the terrible feeling of The Grabbers hands pulling onto my hair. I tensed up at the thought and attempted to free myself from Mari's grasp, only for her to tighten her hold on me, whispering a sentence along the lines of 'It's okay, it's okay, it's just me. You're okay'. I let out another little shaky sigh before breathing in and out, trying to sooth myself into a calm state. I let go of Mari and looked into her eyes, small tears in her own. She smiled and placed her hand on my cheek, rubbing it gently. Her touch somehow made everything so much more...better. I didn't feel like crying anymore, and I didn't feel like I needed to throw up anymore. I let a sigh of comfort out through my nose as I tilted my head down a bit.

My breathing steadied and I looked back up at Mari before asking her, "Hey, uhm. Can I show you something..?" I watched as a small smile pulled up the corners of her lips before she nodded her head in approval. I know that that smile would soon drop. I grabbed her hand pulled it away from my cheek before I turned around, inhaling and exhaling deeply before lifting up my shit and pulling it over my head, the cold breeze hitting my warm skin. With my back to Mari, I couldn't see her expression, but I knew that for a fact that she wasn't smiling anymore. I showed Mari the marks and bruises that trailed from the top of my back to the very bottom, along with the belt slashes. I felt Mari's hands graze over the top of one of the scars and I tensed up a little, but soon calmed down once I had gotten used to the fact that Mari's hands were basically all over my exposed back.

Mari's fingertips grazed over the long gashes and deep cuts that have been engraved into my skin as I fiddled with my fingers. A lump formed in my throat as my vision blurred, a few tears dropping. I heard her sigh before she pulled my shirt down, her arms wrapping around my waist as she rested her head on my back. "Do..do you wanna know something, Robin..?" Mari's soft voice rang through out my ears as my eyes averted from the floor to my boots. I didn't respond to her question for about three seconds, seeing as how I had zoned out once more, but after that three seconds had gone by, I swallowed that lump that formed in my throat and I answered, my voice cracking at the end. "What's up..?" Mari didn't respond to me for a little while, and I assumed that she was thinking. I was about to turn around and face her, until her gentle and calm voice spoke up. "I...you aren't alone. I had...the same thing happen to me. I didn't want to tell you, or anyone for that matter, but...seeing as how you are going through so much pain, I just wanted to let you know that I don't feel disgusted in you at all, because the same happened to me.."

I felt myself freeze as she mentioned this. She...was touched too..? I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want to. I for some reason wish she never told me, but I feel like she deserved too. She was going through pain like me, and she wanted to let me know that she wasn't disgusted and disappointed in me, like I had thought. I immediately turned around and wrapped my arms around her waist as I let a few tears falls from my puffy eyes. She rubbed my back gently as I felt her sniffle. Her quiet cries were soon stopped as she breathed in and in a quivering voice, she spoke. "What happened between you and I when that asshole had taken us, Robin, that will never happen again. I-I know that what he did to us is very unforgettable, but now it's time to let it all go. He's dead and will stay dead and...we're safe again. No more painful nights, no more bruises, scars, and certainly no more eggs and sprite."  I chuckled at the last part of what she said as I pulled away from her and wiped my tears, my eyes meeting hers as she did the same.

I looked longingly into her beautiful orbs as she cupped my cheeks, her touch like the feeling of soft fur grazing the tips of my fingers. I grabbed onto both of her hands as I closed my eyes, our foreheads pressed against each others. I felt her thumbs caressing my cheeks as I breathed steadily. This is the most calm that I have been in months, and it's all thanks to Mari, the girl who I thought was going to die with me in that basement months ago. She saved me. She saved me from being killed, from being depressed, from my panic attacks, from being abused by that puta, from everything. And it was at this very moment that I knew deep down from within my heart and mind that...

I have fallen in love with this girl...

(wsgg guysss. So it's been weeks and probably months since I updated on this story, so here is the long awaited part that yous have probably been waiting for, and if not than oh well, kalofai. There's a new part coming soon and it might just be how their lives are going so far. Anyways, its 2 in the morning and I gotta be up early tmr. Laters.)

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