C H A P T E R 8

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Time Skip:

Three weeks have gone by ever since Marianne and Robin were found, and if they had to be honest, they didn't like the fact that they even had to go to school in the first place. On the very first day back, they basically stuck to each other, not wanting to separate. Robin has been having terrible pain attacks ever since they came back, Marianne, not so much. She has found a way to control her panic attacks, but Robin hasn't. Every time he would hear a similar phrase that The Grabber would use, he would flip and begin to lash out. Or if he was touched in specific places, he would scream at the person. Robin was afraid of himself, and what he could do to those who are innocent, but did something to set him off. Robin and Marianne both had very bad things happen to them while they were locked down there, but Robin had worse. Robin still remembers when he was taken up those very stairs while Marianne was fast asleep and he was both beaten and r@ped. Robin had kept it secret from everyone and sometimes he wishes he doesn't. He remembers the non stop tears that escape his eyes as he thinks back on the never ending pain that The Grabber had put him through. All of those excruciatingly long hours The Grabber tortured Robin kept filling his brain when he would sleep, always.

Robin may have this confident and brave persona but really, he just wants to cry and break down every minute of the day, and Marianne knows that. Both Marianne and Finney know that Robin isn't okay, but they didn't know that it was this bad. One time when Robin and Marianne were discussing Robin's problems, Marianne offered the idea of trying medication to help Robin, to which the poor boy turned down. Robin said that he would be able to handle it and that he didn't need any of that 'retarted shit' to help him. He didn't want to seem weak in front of Marianne, or anyone for that matter. But, that was soon to change at a sleepover that the group were going to have. Finney invited his friends, such as Marianne, Robin, Bruce, Vance, Billy and Griffin over to his house for a sleepover, to which they all happily accepted. As usual, their sleep overs were wild, fun and tiring, mainly tiring. But, Finney caught onto the way that Robin was behaving. He hadn't smiled as much, or made an offensive comment towards any of us, which was odd according to Finney.

Every now and then, Robin would leave to go to the bathroom and he would be in there for ages. And when he comes out, the kids could see that he looks more and more unsettled. It's like he has the deep feeling inside of his stomach that he keeps getting everytime he goes to the bathroom. The kids don't know what he does while he's in there, but one thing's for sure they are nosy as hell and are wanting to know. Robin can still remember the marks that The Grabbers hands left on his body as he was dead weight and oblivious to his surroundings. He still remembers the pain, the hurtful words and the permanent marks left on his body. Everyday, he has to look at them. The bite marks, the hand prints, the bruises and the cuts. Robin just can't take it anymore, he wants it to end. And none of that stuff helps when he has panic attacks.

Finney's POV

As Billy, Gwen and I ordered some food for the rest of us, my eyes landed on a very silent Robin. He was sitting in his chair, just staring at the floor in front of him. He looked as if he had fallen asleep with his eyes open or something. I've noticed that Robin hasn't quite been himself lately. He hasn't fought anyone, nor has he gotten into arguments. Not that I want him to of course, but it's just unusual to see Robin so quiet and closed off from everyone. I also picked up on the fact that Robin didn't like me holding onto his shoulder or anyone pulling his hair. Robin has also started to wear hoodies, jackets and long sleeves. It's like he wants to hide his body, or at least he's trying.

I catch myself staring at Robin as I try to find out what's wrong with him, when Griffin ends up being pushed onto Robin by Vance. I would've thought that Robin would just laugh it off and push Griffin off, or protect Griffin against Vance as a joke, but that went south very quickly. Griffin was straddling Robin's waist just slightly as he cursed at Vance, Griffin's hands finding their way to accidentally get tangled up in Robin's hair. I look away for a split second until I hear a thud and smash, like something smashed against the table. Everyone looked in the direction the sound came from and we all saw Robin standing up as he stared down at Griffin who was on the floor. Then, blood began to trickle down the side of his head and onto his pyjama shirt. Griffin felt the warm liquid as he touched it and looked down at the colour. Robin then spoke in an almost poison dripping voice.

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