C H A P T E R 7

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Robin's POV

I had officially lost hope that we would ever get out of here. Mari has been trying and trying to find ways out, but she hasn't managed to think of any. Her one and only idea she has had so far was to just make a run for it, but I told her not to, mainly because of what happened to me. I didn't want Mari to go through the same pain, but that was about to change. As that puta walked down those very stairs, he quickly approached Mari and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her towards the door. I sprung up from where I was sitting and ran at The Grabber, ready to attack when he whipped around with Mari in a headlock, and a knife being held to her throat. I stopped in my tracks and looked Mari in the eyes, seeing both fear and determination flash in her hazel orbs. "Come any closer and I'll slit her throat right here, right now." I completely froze as I felt cold sweat run down my back. I felt like grabbing that knife and stabbing it in that assholes face so badly, but I knew that even if I moved an inch towards him, Mari's life would be taken right in front of me.

I heard Mari whimper as The Grabber dug the knife deeper into her throat, but she managed to choke out the words, "It's okay...i-it's okay. I'll be alright." Mari nodded her head at me as a sign to relax. I breathed out and tried to calm down as The Grabber began to back away towards the door. Once he reached the start of the staircase going up, he shut the door and locked it. Mari's attempts to fight him back could be heard as he yelled at her in his low and gruff voice."FUCK!" I screamed out loud as I kicked over my tray of food, walking towards the mattress and sitting down on it, my knees up to my chest and my hands near my ears. I tried to block out her screams and the sounds of things crashing, but it seemed like they got louder.

The screams were only Mari's, until I could hear The Grabber screaming, as if he were in pain. I wanted to pull my hands away from my ears, but I was too afraid too, just in case I heard something I didn't want too. Then, the screams suddenly stopped. I furrowed my brows and pulled my hands away from my ears, my head raising slowly to look at the door. I could hear someone walking down the stairs and I clenched my fist in case it was who I thought it was. I stared daggers as the door slowly opened, only for my eyes to soften but widen at the same time. It was...Mari? She was covered in blood and cuts and bruises and she was breathing heavily. Then, my eyes moved down to her left hand, that welded a freshly, blood covered knife.

"Holy shit..." I felt like I was gonna puke at the site in front of me. This was the most blood that I have seen in the past few months or so that we have been stuck in here. Mari stood in her spot before dropping to her knees, a little grunt escaping her mouth. She looked exhausted from what she had done and she looked like she was close to passing out. I quickly got up from where I was standing and I approached her, kneeling beside her to help her up. "We..we need to...get...out o-of here" Mari spoke as I nodded my head, grabbing her arm and throwing it over my shoulder as we stood up, grunts leaving our lips. As we went to walk towards the door, we both looked back at the room that would forever haunt our minds.

The two of us walked through the door to the basement, and that same feeling in my stomach came back as I stared at the scene in front of me. His bloody body laid on the ground with his belt in his hand, stab wounds in his back. Mari scoffed at the sight of him as we continued to walk towards the door. As we inched closer to the door, Mari left my arms, walking towards the padlocked door. She began to punch in the code as I watched her, admiring how brave she was to end both ours and all the other kids he's killed suffering. Then, the lock clicked off, making me whip my head towards the door.

Mari breathed out a sigh of relief before turning to me, reaching her hand out for me to take, and to which, I did. We began to walk out of the house, hand in hand. It has been days, weeks and maybe even months since we've even seen a single piece of nature. I squinted my eyes a little at the sun beaming down on Mari and I, making the girls beside me copy my actions. We continued to take baby steps away from the house we were held captive as we took in our surroundings. The smell of freshly poured rain lingered in the chilly yet warm autumn air as birds called and sang with one another, the wind making the melody blow through the streets of Denver. I felt the sun hit my skin once more, and it felt like heaven. We had been stuck down in that cold ass basement for a very long time, that I had forgotten what warmth even felt like.

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