C H A P T E R 4/ Robin's POV

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The last few months have been hell without Mari. The police have decided to close her case, since there was no other evidence of where she had gone. I was disappointed in their work. It's their job to find those kids and not stop until they have found them. But instead, they shrug it off like nothing has happened to them. I spaced out not realising that I was staring directly at that puta, Lily. I should've known she would sit with Moose and his cronies. Finn was basically rambling on about how much he loves Donna and how badly he wants the courage to ask her out. I then heard Gwen sigh and look over at her, only to see her staring down at her now cold food. She pushed the tray of food away from her and she placed her head in hands. I furrow my brows and I begin to rub her back, leaning my head down so that I could reach her head level to speak to her. "Hey, it'll be okay, Gwen. Don't worry, they'll find her." I give her a genuine smile and she returns it. At the time, I didn't realise that Lily was walking over to our table. "Hey Robin." She says flirtatiously as she sits beside me.

I mentally groan and look at her with an annoyed look. "What?" Lily had an evil smirk plastered all over her face. "Since Marianne is gone and probably dead, do you wanna hang ou-" She gets cut off by Gwen. "What did you say?" Gwen's eyes darkened as she raised her head and sat back, crossing her arms. "I was saying, 'Since Marianne is gone, would Robin like to hang out with me today', but you interrupted me. Rude much." Gwen stared at her in disbelief. I saw anger fill her eyes as she clenched the tissue in her hand. "Did you just say that Mari was dead?" Gwen had a calm yet disapproving look on her face.

Shit was gonna go down, I just knew it. "Uh, yeah? So what if I did? She probably is anyway. Your poor little 'Mari' is more than likely six feet under ground and being eaten by maggo-" Before she could finish her sentence, Gwen smashed her face into the table. Gwen grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back, making her fall back. Lily sat up, touching her nose. She stared at the crimson liquid as it dripped all down her nose and lips. Gwen then kicked her directly in the face, making her plummet back down to the ground. I heard a loud smack and Lily cried out loud right after that.

Gwen got on top of her and started to pound her face in, over and over again. Gwen got up, grabbed the tray from the table, turned back to Lily and started to smash it into her face, continuously. I watched as Lily tried to crawl away from Gwen, instead she got pulled back and BOOM! The loudest smack noise echoed out throughout the cafeteria as Lily flew back, smacking her head hard on the ground again. She sobbed and screamed at the sight of blood, everywhere.

Gwen was gonna take another blow to Lily's face, but Finn and I pulled her back. "YOU BITCH! YOU FUCKING CUNT! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?!" Finn and I held her back and led her outside into the hallway. Finn pulled her into a hug, trying to calm her down. "THAT BITCH! HOW COULD SHE SAY THAT?! H-how?" Gwen broke down in tears as she wrapped her arms around Finn's waist. I sighed deeply and leaned back onto the lockers. I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought about what The Principal would think about this. I didn't want Gwen to get into some deep shit, especially with her dad. I wish none of this shit ever happened. Please help me out Mari...

Third person POV

It has been five months since Marianne had gone missing and The Police had officially closed the case. There have been two Detectives that have come to Northwest High school to question some kids about the disappearance of Marianne. Gwen's been recovering over those couple of months and before you knew it, she was back to her cheeky and cheerful self. Robin and Finney are just thankful that Gwen's managed to come back to herself. However, the whole Lily thing didn't stop. Lily was always hanging around Robin. Every turn, Lily would be there. Lily was starting to spread rumours about Gwen. Lily said that Gwen was dating half of the guys on the Basketball team, she cheated on her exams and all that stupid stuff. But then, they started to get personal. Soon, a rumour about Gwen getting beaten from her dad started to spread. They got so bad to the point Gwen started to lose friends. Robin and Finney soon found out and told The Principal about it. Lily tried lying to The Principal and saying that everything that Robin and the others were saying were lies, but The Principal had already found out by multiple other students of what she did. Lily was then suspended for three weeks.

Robin was now walking to his locker to swap his books for his next class. As he opened the door to his locker, he could feel a presence behind him. He already knew who it was so he didn't acknowledge them. Robin heard a faint scoff and loud footsteps following him. He made a sharp turn and disappeared through a crowd of students. Robin could hear Lily grunting and groaning because no one was moving out of her way. Then, the bell rang, making Lily furious that she couldn't get to Robin.

Robin entered his class, ignoring the intense stares that pierced through his skin and slumped down into his seat. He sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds until LILY walked into his class and sat right next to him. Robin silently groaned and rested his head on his desk, where he wouldn't be able to see Lily. Robin lifted his head up to look at the clock and he saw that there was only five more minutes until school ended. Then, the bell wrung, again. Robin quickly got up from his seat, almost making it fall over. Robin didn't waste a minute in that school and quickly walked out of the school grounds.

The puddles splashed up onto his legs as he walked back to his house. Robin had asked Finney to help him with Math to which Finney agreed. Robin walked up to his porch and opened the door, only to be met with the smell of freshly cooked El Rancho. Robin wasn't really hungry so he went and greeted his mum, and went down the hallway to his room. Cologne filled the air as Robin stepped into his room. He laid down on his bed and stared at the plain white ceiling above him. Then, the doorbell rang. Robin shot up from his spot and practically ran down the hallway. He opened the door and came face to face with Finney. They both shared a hug before heading to Robin's room.

A few hours went by and they were finally done with Math. "Thanks for the help, buddy. Without you, I would've had my ass whooped." Finney chuckled and opened the front door. "It's alright Robin, I knew you needed the help anyways." Finney replied with a smirk on his face. Robin just shook his head and laughed. "Yeah yeah, get outta here and head home." Finney laughed and walked out the front door. He turned around and met eyes with Robin. "Stay safe out there, alright?" Robin said as Finney smiled and nodded his head. Robin closed his door and walked into his kitchen. He grabbed a snack and walked back to his room. As Robin listened to music through his record player, he realised that the sun had set and it was just him up. He sighed and got ready to sleep. As he laid in bed, the bright light of the moon shone through his window. Slowly, Robin's eyes shut. 

(wow, would u look at that? another short ass chapter. dw guys, mores coming and i think theyre long? ihdk. but, how are you guys finding it so far? ye or neh?)

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