C H A P T E R 5

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Robin's POV:

It was the next morning and I was currently walking to the dairy. My uncle had given me money to go and buy Finn and I some snacks so we could hang out. The cold air brushed past my skin as I walked around this railing. I looked down for a second and when I looked back up, I saw that there was a black van ahead of me. I thought nothing of it until a dude with glasses and a top hat came out of the van. I walked towards the side of the dairy so I could get a good look at the guy.

Suddenly, he looked me right in the eyes. There was something about him that was sketchy as hell. I continued to walk to the dairy when the sound of grunting caught my attention. I stopped walking and glanced over at the direction where the sound was coming from. I saw that the strange guy had dropped a box of colourful confetti all over the place. I was gonna keep walking, but for some reason, I couldn't turn away from him. I sighed and walked over to him. "Need any help?" He looked up at me and I could clearly see that he had a taped up hand. Guilt flooded over my body as he politely accepted my offer to help him.

We had gotten everything into the truck and I was about to walk away when I heard him groan in annoyance. I turned around and looked at him. "You lost something?" He looks at me and nods. "Why yes, I have. I can't find my hat. Can you see it?" I began to look around when suddenly, I felt a strong arm swing around me from the back. He put me in a choke hold and sprayed some gas shit in my mouth. I used all my strength and energy and elbowed him in the mouth. He stumbled back, holding his mouth as blood dripped onto the concrete. I fell onto my knees as everything went black.

Marianne's POV

I stared down at my bloody hands as blood dripped down my forehead and the side of my face. I closed my eyes and brung my knees up to my chest. A tear slipped down my cheek as I inhaled through my nose and exhaled out my mouth. I wanted to kill that dickhead so badly. I looked down at my knuckles and saw that the skin had recovered from my last fight. I touched the blood from the side of my face and examined the colour. I'm not gonna lie, but the colour was luring. I closed my eyes and flashbacks from last night started to appear in my head. The feeling of his belt hitting my skin made me shiver. The memory of when he had punched me in the face made me want to kill him so badly. Everytime he would hit my back with his belt, excruciating pain would rush through my spine. I remember trying to fight him back by kicking him in the face, but that did nothing.

Then, that's when he struck my head with the belt. I blink a couple of times, trying to get those nasty memories outta my head. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Stop thinking of that. Stop thinking of it!" I tell myself as I put my hands on my head. More blood started to run down the side of my head from the invisible cut in my head. I sighed and wiped it away with my wrist. Then, the lock to the door clicked. I looked up and saw him. I was expecting for him to come down and be a weirdo, but he had another person with him. I could clearly see that there was a cut on the corner of his lips, and he looked pissed as well. "This asshole kicked me in the face, I should have choked him to death when I was out there." The Grabber says as he drops the boy onto the bed and with that, he leaves the room, slamming the door shut. Once I was certain he had left, I leaned forward to get a good look of the boy.

He had soft shoulder length hair and he was wearing a singlet with boot cut jeans on. 'No, it can't be. Is that?' "Robin?" I whisper as I shake him. He groans, turns over and sits up. "W-where am I?" My eyes widened as the boy's face became more visible. "Robin?!" I say as Robin looks at me with the same expression. "Ma-Marianne?!" I nod and he throws his arms around me. I smile and hug him back. "Holy shit, I missed you." Robin quietly says as he strokes my hair. I snuggled into him and rubbed his back. "I knew you missed me." We separate and he has a shocked expression. "Mari, what happened to your face?" I sigh and lower my head. "Did that hijo de puta do this to you?" I looked up with a few tears in my eyes. Robin looked me in the eyes as he cupped my cheek with one of his hands. "Hey, look at me." My eyes meet his and it's like time suddenly slowed down. He stared into my eyes as he looked between both of my hazel brown orbs. "You'll be alright. As long as I'm here, he can't touch you, ever." A tear fell and I pulled him into my chest for a hug. "Thank you Robin." He rubbed my back as he ran his fingers through my hair. "It's alright, Mari."

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