19. Obvious

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Savannah's POV

As my eyes slowly open, the room comes into focus. I turn to my side, but Theo is nowhere to be seen. Panic sets in as I frantically search for his belongings around the room, only to realize that everything is missing. It's all gone.

No, this isn't true. 

I check the bathroom, and his toiletries are gone, even down to his toothbrush. 

My heart sinks, please, this can't be true.

When I exit the room, I see Rosanna and Adam seated together on the living room couch. 

"Good morning, lazy, it's almost 2 pm." Adam greets me as he and Rosanna turn towards me. "Looks like someone had a late night."

"What?" I ask him bluntly with a puzzled look.

His smile drops at my reaction. "You're in the same clothes since last night."

I glance down at my dress, recalling that I slept in these clothes. "Have you seen Theo?" I enquire.

"No, we thought he was in your room." Adam responds with confusion.

"He isn't."

"I haven't seen him leave the room today. We just thought you were both sleeping in."

Shit. Shit. This can't be happening.

"Is everything okay? What happened, Sav?" Rosanna asks with genuine concern, making Adam sit up and express his curiosity.

Theo can't have gone. He'll be here somewhere.

I rush to the chill room to check inside and find it empty. I hear Adam and Rosanna following closely behind me as I quickly move to their room. It's also deserted. With my heart racing, I check Matt's room, only to see nobody inside.

I turn around to face Adam and Rosanna. "Where's Matt?!"

They exchange concerned glances before Adam responds. "Um, I think he's at the beach." 

"Call him, check if Theo's with him." I demand with haste. Shit, I forgot about my phone.

"Sav, what's going on?" Rosanna asks, her brows furrowed with worry.

As my eyes water, I meet her gaze briefly, struggling to answer. I can't help but ignore her as I walk to my room to check my phone, hoping for a message from Theo. To my disappointment, I find none.

I begin to call him, and it doesn't ring. I text him, and it doesn't deliver. I swallow a lump in my throat. Did he block me?

I face Adam. "Did Matt answer?"

"Yeah, he's not with Theo. He hasn't seen him today. What did he do, sis?" Adam asks casually, trying to hide his protectiveness.

Tears well up in my eyes as I shift my gaze between Rosanna and Adam. "He's gone." I try to say, but it comes out as a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Rosanna asks softly, almost matching the tone of my whisper.

"It was Emilia's last day. He left with her." I manage to say.

"Nah, no, that can't be true. He can't just leave. I'll call him now." Adam says in denial as he begins to tap on his phone to call Theo. He raises it to his ear.

"Wait, is it ringing for you?" I ask.

He ends the call. "Yeah, but he didn't answer." He replies as he continues using his phone. 

Looks like Theo only blocked me. Probably because I'd call him the most.

"Did Theo tell you he was leaving with Emilia?" Rosanna enquires calmly, investigating the situation.

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