2. Drifting

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Savannah's POV

It's the evening before the flight! 

My bestie Rosanna is at my house, she was helping me pack which we did quickly so now we're sat on my bed in boredom. 

Rosanna turns off her phone as she faces me, "I think we should check on the guys."

"Good idea, I already miss Theo and I literally saw him two hours ago."

"Trust me girl I miss Adam all the time."

I let my parents know that I am going next door to where my brother and his friends, Matt and Theo, live. 

Rosanna and I are waiting by their front door to which Matt opens, breathing heavy whilst fixing his dirty blonde hair. 

"Are you okay Matt?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Yeah, umm just come in." 

"Why are you out of breath?" We walk in as he closes the door behind us.

"Oh I just umm ran down the stairs. It's been so stressful packing. You took your time to come, you could've been here earlier."

I scoff. "What? You expect us to pack for you?"

"Err yeah that's all you're good for anyways."

"You cheeky bitch. I'm not helping you." I call him jokingly.

Matt has a shocked expression on his face as he looks around the room for help. He then raises his arm to the stairs. "Theo, sort your girl out."

I ignore Matt as I see Theo laughing whilst he walks down the stairs to join us. A smile forms on my face as I'm watching him.

"Stop bothering her Matt. Do your own shit yourself." Theo says as he wraps his muscly arms around me for a hug, instantly igniting warmth inside of me.

Matt's attention turns to Rosanna as he pleads. "Ros-" 

"Don't even try." She replies in haste whilst shaking her head.

"I see how it is." Defeated Matt strolls up the stairs like a child.

Rosanna smiles as she turns to us. "I'll leave you both to it." Then she walks up the stairs, I'm guessing to find her boyfriend Adam.

"Are you excited baby?" Theo asks as he plants a kiss on my lips.

"Yes! I just want to go now." I reply as I run my hands through his dark brown hair.

"You have to wait but, for now, do you want to go on another ride?"

"Oooo another ride?" I question excitedly. 

He slightly laughs as he shakes his head. "You have a dirty mind. I'll show you, come with me." He takes my hand and strolls for the door. 

When we get in his car he drives us to his warehouse where the cars are hidden. I can never get bored of this place. Excitement begins to fuel inside me as he parks up. 

I turn to him. "But it's not a special occasion."

"Hmm but it'll be our last time to use the cars before we go on holiday." Theo gets out the car and opens the passengers side for me to step out.

It has been months since I last saw this place.

We walk towards the door and Theo turns to me, signalling for me to turn around so he can enter the code in the lock. I do as he says. "You can come in now."

I walk into the dark room as he closes the door and turns the light on. My eyes sparkle and my body fills with happiness as a smile forms on my face. I see the range of cars in front of me, waiting to be driven. He shares them with Adam and Matt, they've either bought the cars together or they've been gifted a few from their jobs. There are two more cars since the last time I came here.

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