10. Forgiveness *

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This chapter contains a sexual scene. 
If you wish to not read that scene, it will start with this symbol "《《《《" and continues to the end of the chapter so you can skip it out. 
Thank you for reading, enjoy the story. 

Savannah's POV

I open my eyes and notice the environment I'm used to has changed. That's when I remember that Dennis bought me this room. What was I thinking staying here?

Panic begins to set in.

I quickly search for my phone and find it next to me. I look at the time, and it reads 7:43 am. Well, that explains why I feel so exhausted. 

I notice a few calls and texts from Adam and Rosanna, but that was from last night. I hope nobody is awake right now, or I will have to answer a whole load of questions that I'm not ready for.

I quickly run out of this room and head to the original room. When I eventually reach it, I quietly enter the card key in the lock and open the door slowly.

Nobody is here, thankfully. 

I walk to my and Theo's room and do the same. 

Theo isn't here. 

Wow, I honestly can't believe him. He's probably out sleeping somewhere with another girl. 

I try not to think about it too much as sadness fills me. I slump on the bed and begin to fall asleep. 

I wake up to the feeling of a hand on my cheek. "Good morning angel." Theo says softly, as he plants a warm kiss on my other cheek.

As I begin to wake up properly, I back away from him. I have no idea where this man has been.

He returns my reaction with a confused look on his face. "Savannah, I'm sorry for last night. Can we not fight, please? I've missed you so much."

"Of course you have." I mutter under my breath sarcastically.

"Yeah, I have missed you, haven't you missed me?" He questions.

I sigh. "Obviously, I have. Where did you go last night?"

"Well, I went for a drive, then chilled with Vincent for a bit, then came here."

"Right. So, where did you sleep?"

"In that second living room down there." He points towards where it would be if there were no walls in between.

I scoff and look away. "You're such a liar."

He sighs. "See for yourself." I can tell by his tone that he is beginning to get irritated.

Determined he's lying, I walk over to the room and open it. That's where I find pillows and blankets on the sofa. A wave of guilt washes over me. The bedroom was free, but he was keeping that free for me, and instead, I slept in a bed another guy bought me.

"Savannah, can we stop fighting now?" Theo begs behind me. I can tell this is hurting him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I turn around and wrap my arms around him, to which he does the same. It feels so comforting, and I suddenly feel relaxed.

He pulls away from the hug and delicately kisses my lips. I missed this so much. 

"I had the worst sleep last night. I kept waking up during the night and just wanted to join you, but I thought you'd get mad, so I let you be." Theo says.

I'm so glad he didn't do that because I'd be in big trouble right now. "Aww, honestly, you should've. I wouldn't have been mad at you, baby."

"I love you, Savannah." He slowly blinks as he looks into my eyes deeply.

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