11. Bittersweet Moments

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Savannah's POV

I step out of the bathroom and find a suited-up Theo sitting on the bed, on his phone.

He looks up and stares at me whilst his eyebrows rise. "Wow." 

"Stop." I say playfully as I begin to get shy from his gaze.

He stands up and makes his way towards me slowly. "You are... you are so perfect." He keeps his distance as he takes me in.

At his compliment, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is styled beautifully, and my makeup is flawless. The dress Theo bought me suits me a lot, and the heels make the whole look so much better. I look and feel sexy. 

I turn back to Theo. "Thank you, babe."

He holds up his phone as he's about to take photos of me. "I can't wait to show you off." 

I laugh shyly as I try my best to pose. Ugh, I'm so bad at this. I don't even know where to put my hands.

While pressing on his phone to take photos, Theo begins to hype me up, growing my confidence. "Wow. How did I get so lucky? That's my girl. You are on another level." 

My very own paparazzi.

After our photography session, Theo drives us to a fancy restaurant. He gives his name for the reservation, and we make our way to a table towards the back of the restaurant that feels more private than the ones we walked past. 

We get seated and begin to look at the menu. 

Theo glances through it quickly and then places it down on the table. "I don't know why I'm looking at this when I already know what I want because I was deciding the night before."

I chuckle lightly. "You always do that."

"I have to know what I want before I book a place to eat, especially if it's something high-end."

"Yeah, you can be picky like that." 

We're different in that sense. I don't mind randomly going somewhere and just choosing something new or random to eat.

Theo and I both give our orders to the waiter and then begin to talk between ourselves while we wait for the food to come.

"What do you think about my watch?" Theo reaches his arm towards me and turns his wrist back and forth slowly as he shows me the elegant piece of jewellery.

"Wow! That's beautiful, Theo." I awed.

"You know it costs more than some of the cars in the warehouse." He says proudly.

"What? Really?" I inspect his watch with more interest, trying to figure out why the price is so high.

"Yeah, I love it, but it's stressful whenever I wear it. I have to make sure I don't accidentally hit it against something."

I nod in agreement. "Oh yeah, I can imagine. When did you get it?"

"I've had it for around a year now. I wore it when we went out on my birthday and at the hotel on your birthday, but you didn't notice it those times."

My mood drops as soon as he says it. I feel like he just said that to put me down.

He notices my reaction. "I understand, though. It's a little thing, so it's easy to miss it." He retracts his arm away from me and removes the attention from his watch.

Even though he tried to put it right, the air still feels sour as our table fills with an awkward silence.

Not long after that, our food comes, and we tuck in. Midway through, Theo is eating happily, enjoying his meal, while I'm trying hard to swallow mine.

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