26. New Motivation

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Savannah's POV

The next day, Matt returned back to his home next door. It's crazy how men can nearly kill each other one day and then shake hands the next. Matt hasn't spoken to me about the near kiss that happened between us, and when I've tried to bring it into conversation, he changes the topic. But as time moves on, I want to feel the butterflies again. I think I can change Matt. He just had one bad relationship like me. I can fix him.

Six months have gone by, yet I still haven't had any luck in getting Matt to make a move on me. As Rosanna lounges in my back garden, catching me up with drama at university, I can't help but think of how to get him into me.

"Girl, you're so out of it today." She remarks.

"I think the heat is getting to me." I use as an excuse. I haven't told her about my plans for Matt. I just don't think she will agree with me moving on to him, as everyone thinks he doesn't do relationships.

"Me too." She agrees as she gets up. "I should be going. My cousins will be at mine soon."

"Oh yeah, I hope you have fun."

"Thanks, babe." She says as we walk to her car.

That's when Adam emerges from nowhere. "Hey, Rosanna."

Rosanna turns to face him with a neutral expression. "Oh, hey, Adam." She says emotionless. Things are a bit awkward between them since they broke up. Rosanna decided to end things as Adam lied to her about Theo, and she realised he wasn't putting her first. Since then, Adam has been trying hard to get her back and always finds a way to talk to her whenever he can.

"How have you been?" He asks, his eyes searching hers for any signs of affection.

"Good, you?" She replies.

"Yeah, I've been alright."

"That's nice." Rosanna unlocks her car door, signalling the end of their conversation.

"You got any plans tonight?" He asks to prolong the moment.

"Yeah." She replies without adding more information.

Adam nods, sensing her blunt energy. "Good."

Rosanna turns to me and pulls me into a hug. "Bye, sis." She says before entering her car. As she closes the door, Adam helps by pushing it shut from the outside. She faces Adam, showing a mix of emotions. "Bye, Adam."

"Bye, drive safe." He replies softly.

His gaze follows her car as she drives off into the distance.

"Well, that was embarrassing." I comment, breaking the silence.

Adam visibly cringes to himself. "It was, wasn't it."

"If you want to win her back, you'll need to try harder than that."

"Yeah, I know. I was just saying hi."

"Yeah, well, you sound like a loser, and that's not her type." I say harshly. He knows better than this.

"Is she seeing anyone?" He asks.

"No, she hasn't mentioned anyone." I reassure him.

"You'll let me know if she does, though, won't you?"


"Thanks, sis." He gives me a firm pat on my back, jolting me forward. He doesn't realise his strength. 

As he heads towards his house, I call out. "Is Matt in?" 


"Can I come over?"

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