22. Mending Friendships

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Savannah's POV

It has been two days since I made Theo's bedroom my home. The time passed in a haze as all I did was rot in Theo's bed and search through his things, hoping to find something to make me hate him. But there was nothing to show he didn't love me. I know him leaving is my bad karma. He doesn't know that I cheated, but the world does. Why did I do this to us?

The sound of loud banging noises wakes me up. Do we have builders working nearby? I decide to investigate and exit my room. 

I hear a muffled moan, and at that moment, I realise the source of the sound and freeze in place. Adam and Rosanna are having sex. I gasp, causing my mouth to fall open, which I quickly cover with both hands.

Matt ascends the stairs with a cheeky grin on his face. "You and Theo were worse." He remarks as he walks past me towards his room, leaving a lingering scent of weed in his wake. I didn't know he smoked.

"What?!" I exclaim, following behind and closing the door, silencing the sound of my brother and Rosanna.

"You two were always at it." Matt laughs as he slumps on his bed.

"Say you're lying right now." I demand as I sit at the end of his bed.

"I wish I was. It was very disturbing." He teases. 

I cringe at myself, holding my head in my hands. "Nooo, this is so embarrassing. I always try so hard to be silent."

"You can't silence the sound of clapping cheeks and-"

"Ahh, stop! I can't hear no more!" I rise from his bed. "I can never speak to you again." I jokingly say as I head towards his door.

Matt continues to laugh slightly. "Don't go. I got used to it after a bit."

I turn to face him, completely dumbstruck. "Oh my." I have no words.

"On a real note, did you actually believe you were being quiet all those times?" He asks, snickering to himself.

"Yes, I actually did. You don't think Adam has ever heard, do you?" I inquire as I return my ass to Matt's bed.

"Ohhh." Matt bursts into laughter, full of amusement. "He heard you before he knew you and Theo were a thing."

My eyes widen. "What?! He never told me this?"

"What's he meant to say? I thought my boy was doing it with some girl, but it's actually my little sister." Matt gasps whilst shaking his head. "Fuck, that's bad."

"Let's stop talking about me doing it with Theo now. I'm actually traumatised over what I heard earlier."

"Really? You've never heard Adam and Rosanna getting it on?" He questions in disbelief as if it is normal.

"No, never."

"That's because you were too busy doing it yourself." Matt starts to laugh, then quickly silences after I narrow my eyes at him. "I'm sorry, I'll stop now. They're actually quite quiet whenever they do it."

"What I heard was not quiet." I point to where their room is.

"That's because they're not on good terms, they fuck the most when they're arguing. Angry sex is something else." Matt begins to daydream.

I pull him out of his thoughts when I begin to speak. "They're not on good terms?"

"Nah." He responds nonchalantly.

"Why, though? They seemed fine to me."

"That's just a front. Rosanna only came over last night for you, but you didn't want to speak to anyone." I didn't even realise. "Understandably." Matt adds, noticing my guilt. "Anyways, since she was already over, Adam asked her to stay."

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