15. Surprise

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Savannah's POV

Here I am. Sat in the passenger seat, observing Theo, who's driving me back to the hotel. 

All I can think about is when he pushed me to the ground.

Since I entered the car, he has avoided speaking about the situation and, instead, he has only small-talked. Now, the only sound that fills our ears is the music playing.

When he parks at the hotel, he finally talks about the situation.

"Savannah, I'm so sorry for hurting you." I can see real regret on his face.

"Don't apologise, you didn't hurt me." I brush it off.

He narrows his eyes in confusion. "I put my hands on you. You deserve an apology."

"Honestly, Theo, it didn't bother me."

"Savannah, I saw the look on your face. It bothered you. I could see it clearly."

"It didn't, Theo." I want this conversation to be over.

He pauses for a moment. "I can see you've been crying baby." His tone is soft.

Suddenly, I feel my eyes begin to water regardless of my efforts to stop it. "Please, just don't apologise." I look down as I quickly rub my tears.

"Why Savannah?" He sounds concerned.

"Why what?"

"Why don't you want me to apologise?"

"I just- I don't deserve it."

"Why? What have you done?"

I look at him for a moment. I so want to tell him what I did, but I don't want to lose him. Unable to maintain eye contact, I shift my gaze down at my hands that are fidgeting. "I'm just a bad person."

He gently holds my hand, calming my restlessness. I notice slight bruises on his knuckles in result of the fight. I connect my eyes with his. "Savannah, regardless of what you think you've done, you deserve an apology for my actions. I should've never put my hands on you. Nothing excuses that. I'm so sorry."

I nod in acknowledgement and then feel warm tears streaming down my face due to the guilt. "Thank you."

He adjusts in his seat as he maintains eye contact. "Don't let anyone put their hands on you, okay? Regardless of the situation or what they might tell you as an excuse... or how small the action was. Be sure to tell Adam. He'll always care about you. He'll know what's best."

I'm taken aback by him telling me to approach Adam instead of him. I guess he doesn't trust himself enough. "Okay."

"Tell me too, so I can sort them out." He says in a mischievous tone to lighten the mood.

I smile at him. "Thank you, I will."

We silently keep eye contact between us. He's so genuine. He doesn't deserve what I did. I've ruined everything. 

I know that the only way to try and make things right is to tell him the truth. But I'm not prepared for him to leave. I fear of losing him. How do I tell him? This secret is eating me alive.

I hear his phone buzz. He pulls his hand away from mine as he grasps his phone. He starts smiling as he looks at it. "Emilia sent a photo of the desserts." He turns his phone around so I can see. "They look so good. How was it?"

"Oh, they were so nice, but it was too much for us. We couldn't finish it." I laugh softly.

Theo smiles at me. "Yeah, it does look a lot."

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