21. Hurtful Revelations

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Savannah's POV

I attempted to sleep without asking Matt if he knew anything about Theo cheating. I soon regretted it as I couldn't stop thinking about it. Not only that, but Theo and I would always sleep together, whether it was in person or on call, he was always there. It hit hard when I realised I'd never hear him breathing as he drifted off to sleep. I wonder if he's sleeping peacefully right now.

My alarm bell rings, and I wake up to what feels like I've had 2 hours of sleep in total. I sigh before I realise that today is the day of the flight. I can't wait to feel more exhausted than I already do.

After dragging myself out of bed, I do my business and get changed into grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt, wrapping the matching sweatshirt around my waist for when it gets cold.

I do a final check of my room before dumping my bags by the main door. Then I make my way to Matt's room, knock on the door, and enter after hearing his permission.

I find him half asleep, yawning as he sits up slightly in bed, exposing the muscles on his chest. 

"Hey, you know you don't have long. We need to leave in like 20 minutes." I glance around his room and notice the clothes on his floor, indicating he hasn't finished packing.

"I'll be on time, you'll see." He answers while rubbing his eyes, then nods his head up. "What's up?"

"Nothing, um... Did Theo ever bring a girl over?"

"What do you mean?"

I sigh. How can I reword it better? "Did he ever bring a girl over to the hotel? To our room?"

Matt begins to stretch his arms. "It's way too early for these types of questions." He expresses jokingly.

"Come on, please. Just answer the question."

He relaxes in his bed and turns to me with a more focused expression, indicating he's paying attention. "You think Theo was cheating on you?"

I nod in response.

"You know Theo, he doesn't go near girls."

"So he never brought a girl over to the hotel?"

"No, as far as I know, he hasn't."

"What about the girls that you bring over? Are you sure any of them didn't go into our room and..."

"And what? Look, Sav, you're trying to think of excuses for why he left. You think it was your fault or you weren't good enough, but like I told you last night, he left for his family. That's it."

"You're not answering my question, though."

Matt has a confused look on his face for a moment, then wipes it. "None of the girls I've brought over go into anyone else's rooms. I make that clear to them, and they listen. I think I'd know if Theo was hitting one of them."

There must be more to this. "Can you ask Adam for me, please?"

"Ask what?"

"If Theo brought a girl over."

Matt raises his brows. "What? You think he would've let that slide?"

I get his point, but I need it confirmed. "Can you just ask him?"

"Alright, yeah, I will."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"You don't need to blame yourself, you know. Theo didn't leave because of you."

"It's not that. I- um- I found something in our room."

"Like an eyelash or nail or something? Hotels aren't as clean as you think. Cleaners always leave things behind. It would've been there before you checked in."

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