Episode 16: Down to a Thibault

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The Christmas and New Year break was over, and it was time for every student to return to school. Among the students at Sparkyville Middle School was Thibault Reid, the kid who thought Charlie Brown was a stuck up and took his baseball glove, only for Charlie Brown to allow him to keep it, and even berated Peppermint Patty for allowing a girl on their baseball team, fully unaware that Peppermint Patty was a girl herself. Thibault seemed to have some sort of issue with girls and women, but why is that? Well...

One day, in their Gym class, it was time for the class to play baseball. Thibault was assigned to play on Peppermint Patty's team.... as usual. And much to Thibault's dismay, Polly was on their team. He was shocked to see Charlie Brown's team with Heather Wold, Frieda, and reluctantly, Emerald.

"How come there are girls on these teams?!" Thibault asked.

"Whatsit to you, Thibault?" Peppermint Patty said angrily.

"If a team has girls on it, then I refuse to play!" grumbled Thibault.

"What do you think I am, you blockhead?!" Peppermint Patty asked, still angry that Thibault doesn't realise she's a girl herself.

"Gee! And I thought Emerald's temper was awful." thought Tommy.

"Er....." Thibault stammered. He had no answer to that question. "I guess I'll play anyway."

"Everyone!" Charlie Brown called. "Take your places!"

And everyone did. Charlie Brown was in the middle of the field, while Thibault was first up to bat.

"Ready, Charlie Brown." Charlie Brown said to himself. "Steady and....."

Charlie Brown swung his arm, and it flew right past Thibault.

"Strike!" shouted Peppermint Patty.

"Yes!" Charlie Brown cheered.

And as Charlie Brown pitched the second.... Thibault hit it, sending Charlie Brown out of his clothes.

"Good grief!" groaned Charlie Brown.

Thibault watched Charlie Brown and stuck his tongue out.

"Not bad, Punk!" Thibault smirked. "Your pitching has improved, but you still don't have enough pitching power to....."

Unfortunately, Thibault had his eyes so focused on Charlie Brown, that he wasn't even looking ahead. But when he did face forward, it was too late. He had bumped into one of his opponents.

"Aaugh! Alright! Who let this.....?"

As Thibault stepped back, he saw who he had bumped into.

"Uh oh." Tommy whimpered, looking towards Frieda.

"This isn't gonna be pretty." Frieda agreed.

As it turns out, the opponent Thibault had bumped into was Emerald Green.

"Er.... hey." Thibault said innocently.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, you bogan?" Emerald shouted.

"But you were in my way, you cow!" Thibault shouted back.

"I was not! I was on the base!" Emerald shouted back.

"You weren't supposed to stand right on the base!" Thibault quipped. "You were supposed to stand beside the base to catch the ball!"

While Thibault and Emerald argued, Tommy found the ball, and snuck up on Emerald. He placed the ball right in Emerald's glove.

"You're out, Thibault!" called Tommy.

"I'm..... out?" quizzed Thibault.

Emerald looked down at her left glove and saw a white and red ball in it.

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