Episode 17: Charlie Brown and the Chocolate Factory

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One day, in cooking class, Mr. Barber had called all the students to attention.

"Do any of you like chocolate?" he asked.

"Yes!" they all shouted.

"This is why," Mr. Barber announced. "I am inviting all of you to Sparkyville Chocolate Factory!"

Every student cheered.

"And while we're there," continued Mr. Barber. "you'll find out how chocolate is made."

Everyone started to think about it, Emerald's mouth just watered.

"But first, we need your parents' permission." Mr. Barber finished.

That evening, Charlie Brown came home, where his parents, Sally and Wally were.

"Mom, Dad." said Charlie Brown. "My cooking class is going to the local chocolate factory next week."

"Would you like to go, Charlie, my son?" asked Joy.

"Of course I would." said Charlie Brown. "So here's a permission slip Mr. Barber gave me."

Mrs. Brown signed the slip, added some money, and gave it back to Charlie Brown.

"Thank you." said Charlie Brown.

"Did someone say chocolate?" asked Sally.

"Chocowate?" Wally quizzed.

"I sure did." said Charlie Brown.

"My class is going there too!" said Sally. "When's your class going, Big Brother?"

"Next Tuesday." said Charlie Brown.

"Mine's going next Wednesday." said Sally. "The very day after."

Tommy went home to tell his folks all about it.

"Will there be any Oompa Loompas?" asked Boco.

"Not in this Chocolate Factory." said Tommy.

"Are you going to eat any chocolate while you're there?" asked Karina.

"That depends." said Tommy.

Emerald told her folks all about it.

"And I might get to eat the chocolate they make there." said Emerald.

"Don't eat too much, Emerald." said Anya.

"You don't want to get a bellyache." agreed Riley.

"I'll try and resist." said Emerald.

"For once, Riley is actually agreeing on me about what problem Emerald might have." Anya said.

The day of the field trip to the Chocolate Factory had arrived, and Tommy had left his place.

"Hey, Cuz." said Katie the Little Pigtailed Girl. "You look excited."

"Today's the day." said Tommy. "My cooking class is going to the chocolate factory."

"Ooh, can I come too?" asked Katie.

"Sorry, Katie Watie." said Tommy. "This is an excursion for middle schoolers. But don't worry, when you're in middle school, you might get this chance."

"It might not be the same." sighed Katie.

"Tell you what." said Tommy. "I might bring back a chocolate treat when I get home."

"Okay, Cuz." Katie said.

Charlie Brown was waiting for the bus with Sally, Harold Angel, Linus, Rerun, Lucy, Janice, Britney and Lindsey.

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