Episode 25: Peppermint and Spearmint

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*Three years ago....*

Tommy Halverson was at Sydney Airport, Australia, ready to move to America. There, his friends Spearmint Sammy, Marty Irwin, Leilani, Brielle, Sienna and Adrienne were there to see him off.

"Good luck in America, Tommykins!" said Adrienne.

"Enjoy yourself, Tommy." said Leilana. "Make sure to tell them about my naturally curly hair."

"Have a nice life in the states, Halvy Thomason!" said Brielle.

"Well, I hope to see you again soon." said Tommy. "Maybe you might come to America one day, or I'll come back to Australia."

"Good luck, Tom!" said Spearmint Sammy, who gave a gentle punch.

"Hope you do better than you did here, Thomas." said Marty, who knew how hard Tommy's life in Australia was.

"Final call to Flight 210 to Sparkyville, USA!" the P.A. called.

"Oh! That's my cue to go to the states. Farewell, my friends." said Tommy as he left with his parents to get to America.

In school the next day, Spearmint Sammy told everyone about Tommy.

"But.... I didn't get a chance to apologise to him!" sighed Scarlet.

"Good riddance to that bogan!" smirked Emerald.

"Who are you gonna put down now?" teased Spearmint Sammy.

"I wonder myself...." pondered Emerald.

"And who am I going to get cookies from at my booth?" Erin asked.

"You'll just have to make cookies for yourself, Erin." said Marty.

"Who'll I teach to dance now?" wondered Sienna.

"How do you think we'll cope without Thomas, Ma'am." Marty asked Spearmint Sammy.

"We should be fine." said Spearmint Sammy. "And stop calling me 'Ma'am'."

"Yes, Sir." said Marty.

*Present day*

Everyone was walking into Sparkyville Middle School to their homerooms. When Charlie Brown arrived at his homeroom, he saw two extra desks.

"Excuse me, Mr. Othmar." said Charlie Brown. "I thought there were seventeen students in this homeroom."

"Not anymore." said Mr. Othmar. "But I'll explain why when everyone gets here."

"Okay." said Charlie Brown as he made a beeline to his table.

Once everybody had taken their seats, Mr. Othmar stood up to make his announcement.

"We have two new students today."

"New students?" quizzed Linus.

"I wonder who they are?" pondered Peppermint Patty.

"We'll just have to find out, Sir." said Marcie.

As Marcie said this, the knob of the front door turned, and in walked two boys.

One boy had auburn hair, had a freckle face like Peppermint Patty, was dressed in a cyan shirt, navy shorts, and red sandals. He even sported a ten pack.

The other boy had blond hair and wore round glasses like Marcie except his eyes could be seen through the lenses. He was dressed in a lime shirt with a blue M on the front, blue shorts, white socks and blue sneakers.

"Get a load of them!" exclaimed Violet.

"Wow! That taller boy is buff!" exclaimed Patty Swanson.

"He's not that buff!" scoffed Lucy.

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