004. Flight of Intrigue

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The following morning was a struggle. Grian decided to take the rest of the week off from work in order to process what had happened and inform Etho and Bdubs of Jimmy's disappearance.

Etho and Bdubs are Jimmy and Grian's adoptive parents. Honestly, it was a long story.

Grian, however, remained in bed for the time being. His body ached from the events of the previous night. He had bruises on his neck from the man strangling him, and his wings were tattered from being pressed against the floor on his back.

Grian found himself perpetually exhausted, especially after exploiting watcher magic. It drained him, leaving him depleted of energy. He sprawled on his stomach amidst a pile of pillows, his head buried, until the faint buzz of his phone on the nightstand wakened him from his weariness. Hope flickered briefly as he reached for it, praying it was Jimmy.

But disappointment settled in as he read the caller's name—Scott.

Sighing heavily, Grian could feel the feathers on his head ruffled and unkempt. With a tired hand, he pushed to accept the incoming call. Each word felt like an added weight to his already burdened shoulders.

"Anything?" Scott's inquiry sounded through the phone, prompting him to lean up from his mattress.

Grian hesitated before recounting the night's events to Scott. "I found the guy, Lance Ryans," he began wearily He ran his free hand through his hair and straightened out his feathers. "I don't believe he has Jimmy, but he's definitely involved. He wouldn't answer any of my questions. He had two others ambush me, but Hotguy intervened."

"Hotguy? Did he try to detain you or them?" Scott pressed for details.

"I think he has one in custody, but Lance and the other guy got away," Grian explained, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I tried to chase them, but they got away. Hotguy surprisingly offered assistance."

"If Hotguy has one of them in custody, maybe he could help," Scott suggested optimistically.

Grian's brow furrowed in uncertainty. "I'm not sure, Scott. Don't forget, I'm considered illegal," he murmured. "And ultimately, Hotguy answers to the government. I doubt he'll be able to do much for us."

"It wouldn't hurt to try, you need to interrogate the guy Hotguy has in custody to see if he knows anything," Scott's voice echoed with a hint of urgency, resembling Jimmy's tone, which didn't sit well with Grian.

"I'm not giving up, Scott. I will find Jimmy," Grian asserted with unwavering determination. Scott's silence on the other end spoke volumes; they were both grappling with the same worries and stresses, consumed by the mystery of Jimmy's whereabouts. "I'm heading back home soon to fill in Etho and Bdubs. Do you want to join?"

"I'll pass. Those tunnels make me sick. Just stay safe and keep me posted," Scott responded swiftly before bidding farewell and hanging up. Grian shrugged, feeling the weight of the day settling upon him, and let out a tired yawn, stretching his wings and arms in preparation for the challenges ahead.

"So you feel bad for him?" Cub attempted to assume, his arms crossed as he observed the scarred man lifting weights in the dimly lit gym.

After wrapping up his work hours as a professor, Scar wanted to get his daily workout in before embarking on his patrol duties.

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