006. commotion & wings

79 4 8

cw/ more cussing than usual

"Jimmy, slow down," Scott's voice barely pierced through the cacophony of music and chatter in the bustling rooftop bar. Observing Jimmy take another shot in one gulp, Scott couldn't help but feel a sense of concern amidst the birthday celebration. He knew Jim was definitely going to be hungover. He watched as the other squinted his face at the harsh aftertaste of pure vodka.

"But it's my birthday, Scott! We're here to drink!" Jimmy exclaimed with a mischievous grin, elongating his words.

Suppressing a chuckle, Scott responded, "Well someone has to drive home."

"Nah, we can walk," Jimmy protested with an unserious tone, he leaped up from his chair and seized Scott's hands, pulling him upright with a yelp. "Let's dance!"

Scott held on tight as he was pulled through a crowd of people. The bar was crowded with people, which was typical for a Saturday night.

Above them, the sky was dark, contrasting with the flashing neon lights and booming music emanating from the bar. Scott and Jimmy weren't accustomed to frequently visiting bars or parties, but it was Jimmy's birthday, and Scott wanted him to have a memorable celebration.

As they maneuvered through the crowd, Jimmy wore a grin that seemed frozen in time, his euphoria palpable as he abruptly halted, turning to face Scott amidst the slow-motion chaos. Their close proximity, a result of the crowded space, amplified the moment.

Scott could discern the telltale signs of Jimmy's inebriation in his gaze. "Are you having fun?" he inquired, to which Jimmy simply nodded.

"Can't believe we come to a bar, and you don't even drink! Are you having fun mr?" Jimmy's words tumbled out in a garbled mess, his last line mocking Scott while his grammar began to falter.

"Don't worry about me, Jim. We're here for you, so you can have a good time. It's YOUR birthday, after all," Scott gently reminded him.

"Let's go to the view," Jimmy said vaguely, switching up from wanting to dance to see the city lights. He tugged Scott towards the building's ledge to catch a glimpse of the nighttime view.

Amidst the forceful pull from Jimmy, Scott stumbled, accidentally pushing a man who spilled his drink and took offense.


"Who the hell?!"

Scott's heart sank as he tried to stop but was dragged away, unable to apologize properly. Jimmy remained oblivious, continuing to lead him through the crowd unaware of the situation that was about to occur.

Unfortunately, the offended man kept his gaze fixed on Scott, trailing him until Jimmy finally stopped at the railings. Scott had tried to intervene earlier, he had tried to get Jimmy's attention to stop, but amidst the music and alcohol, Jimmy hadn't heard him.

The man trailed behind Scott, shoving his shoulder once close enough to grab his attention, which jostled him against the railing. Scott instinctively raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "You just spilled my drink! That was fifteen dollars down the drain!" the man bellowed.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't—" Scott began to explain, but was swiftly cut off.

"What's the issue here?" Jimmy intervened, positioning himself protectively in front of Scott once he realized Scott had withdrawn his hand from Jimmy's grip.

"Fifteen bucks wasted! Buy me another one fuckface!" the man demanded, his voice dripping with anger. People began to stare at the commotion.

"Hey, don't call him that asshole! Why would you even spend fifteen bucks on a drink in a packed bar?" Jimmy retorted, surprisingly direct amongst the alcohol.

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